kernaltrap8 / ps3

PS3 linux related tools and files

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

PlayStation 3 Gentoo Linux toolset

Note: Work in prorgess

Im constantly working on making this project more reliable and eaisy to use. Recently I added a binhost repository which is automatically added to Gentoo during installation, to make the process faster. Currently testing it. Please feel free to report any issues you have or some suggestions/questions using Issues tab in GitHub.

If you want to try Gentoo using LiveUSB / LiveDVD, download files from and extract them to USB formatted with MBR / FAT32

Kenrel building tools

These tools should be used on a host machine, running Gentoo. You can use Virtual Machine for that puropse.

After cloning the repository, go to downloaded ps3/tools directory and edit hidden .config file Select the version of kernel you want to work on, and make sure the version you selected is available in portage. Also in this file you can select the address of the PS3 in your local network.

These tools will apply specific kernel patches from two seperate sources. If you want to modify the list of applied patches, edit the file and change patches_t2sde and patches_ps3linux_patches.

After that you can run the script: It will download all selected patches, to be used for kernel later.

Next run, this will download gentoo-sources, and apply previously prepared patches.

Run, and customize configuration to your needs. Please use the script instead of running menuconfig directly, as the scripts adds special crossdev layer. When you are sacisfied with your config, run

At this point kernel is ready, and you can find it in /var/cache/ps3tools/linux

If you want you can upload it directly to the PS3 using This required the root access for the SSH to be configured for the PS3. If you don't want to use root, you can edit and change root to another user, but it needs the write access to /boot. Otherwise you can copy it manually from /var/cache/ps3tools/linux. Also make sure /boot is mounted on your PS3 before running it.

Currently there is no tool for automatic creation of kboot/yaboot files, so if you changed the kernel version, you need to add these entries manually.


Automatic installer and configurator of Gentoo linux for various platforms.

To install on the PS3, boot into any recent linux distribution, setup the date and networking and:

To install on the whole drive:

./ --device /dev/ps3dd --config PS3 --verbose

this will format selected harddrive!

To install into selected directory without formatting the drive:

./ --directory /mnt/gentoo --config PS3 --verbose

and after installer finished, add fstab configuration and kboot entry.

If you want to customize configuration, you can download file config/ps3, edit it and use as

./ --device /dev/ps3dd --custom-config ps3_file_path --verbose

To install

Boot the livecd and download this repo onto /mnt/ps3dd1 (mount /dev/ps3dd1 here first) and execute ./ps3-main/installer/ --directory . --config PS3 --verbose

To use distcc during installation, use --distcc flag:

./ --device /dev/ps3dd --config PS3 --distcc ""


PS3 linux related tools and files


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