keopx / drupal-boilerplate

This repository is a Drupal project that can be setup locally using docker.

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Metadrop's Drupal Boilerplate


This repository is a Drupal project that can be setup locally using docker.


docker-compose infrastructure

Based on wodby/docker4drupal, with some tweaks to speed-up your development. The stack is configured as follows:

Container Versions Default version Service name Image Enabled by default
Nginx 1.17, 1.16 1.17 nginx [wodby/nginx]
Apache 2.4 2.4 apache [wodby/apache]
PHP 7.4, 7.3, 7.2 7.3` php [wodby/drupal-php]
MariaDB 10.4, 10.3, 10.2, 10.1 10.4 mariadb [wodby/mariadb]
PostgreSQL 12, 11, 10, 9.x 11 postgres [wodby/postgres]
Redis 5, 4 4 redis [wodby/redis]
Memcached 1 1 memcached [wodby/memcached]
Varnish 6.0, 4.1 6.0 varnish [wodby/varnish]
Node.js 12, 10, 8 12 node [wodby/node]
Drupal node 1.0 1.0 drupal-node [wodby/drupal-node]
Solr 8, 7, 6, 5 8 solr [wodby/solr]
Elasticsearch 7, 6 7 elasticsearch [wodby/elasticsearch]
Kibana 7, 6 7 kibana [wodby/kibana]
OpenSMTPD 6.0 6.0 opensmtpd [wodby/opensmtpd]
Mailhog latest latest mailhog [mailhog/mailhog]
AthenaPDF 2.10.0 2.10.0 athenapdf [arachnysdocker/athenapdf-service]
Rsyslog latest latest rsyslog [wodby/rsyslog]
Blackfire latest latest blackfire [blackfire/blackfire]
Webgrind 1 1 webgrind [wodby/webgrind]
Xhprof viewer latest latest xhprof [wodby/xhprof]
Adminer 4.6 4.6 adminer [wodby/adminer]
phpMyAdmin latest latest pma [phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin]
Selenium chrome 3.141 3.141 chrome [selenium/node-chrome]
Selenium hub 3.141 3.141 hub [selenium/hub]
Traefik v2.0 v2.0 traefik [_/traefik]
Mkdocs latest latest mkdocs [metadrop/docker-mkdocs]

There is a docker-compose.override.yml.dist file including some container definitions like adminer and mkdocs. This is done with the purpose of differencing the local environment stack from the CI environment stack. The docker-compose.override.yml is git-ignored so your stack gets clean.

Drupal project folder structure

The folder structure skafold is based on drupal-composer/drupal-project so all your dependencies are managed by composer, drupal is required as drupal/core package and web-root files are automatically generated via drupal-scaffold composer plugin.

Drush (Drupal Shell)

Drush is a command line shell for Drupal, and a swiss army knife letting developers to do mostly everything they can do by user interface, and much more. Drush is delivered with an excellent code generator to speed-up the development process.

Get more information about drush:

Mkdocs documentation manager.

The simplest way to manage your project documentation, written in markdown format, and displayed in a comfortable and styled html autogenerated site. The text-plain markdown format have the following advantages over other systems:

  • It's quick to maintain.
  • It's supported by version control systems.
  • It's reviewable via merge requests.
  • It's standard.
  • It's free.

Mkdocs official site.

Grumphp and (do not) forget about coding standards.

Because quality matters, the metadrop/drupal-boilerplate is delivered with Grumphp, a tool to ensure developers follow the Drupal coding standards and best practices. To make your projects fit the highest quality assurance, a git-hook is automatically installed so is not possible to commit any change without accomplishing those quality requirements. Grumphp is already configured (so you don't need to worry about that) making the following quality checks:

  • phplint: Detects PHP files syntax errors.
  • yamllint: Detects YAML files syntax errors.
  • composer: Perform composer.json and composer.lock validation.
  • jsonlint: Detects json files syntax errors.
  • drupalcheck: Check Drupal code for deprecations and discover bugs via static analysis.
  • phpcpd: Copy/Paste detector to avoid duplicated code.
  • phpcs: Check if your code accomplish the following standards:

Behavior Driven Development on natural language with Behat.

Behavior Driven Development is supported on a natural language thanks to Behat. The boilerplate is delivered with Behat preconfigured, so you just need to start writing your tests. Some example tests are also provided. Aditionally to behat, some libraries are included improving the drupal support, adding several behat testing steps for the most common use cases such as logging as a user with a particular role, creating testing content, finding expressions within content regions, etc.

Here are the bundled libraries:

Unit testing with phpunit

Test Driven Development focus on testing your code to ensure it does what is expected across refactors. This kind of tests are known as Unit tests, and in PHP can be implemented with phpunit.

PHPUnit is a framework to perform unit tests on your php projects. The boilerplate is bundled with phpunit preconfigured so you can focus on write your unit tests.

Scripthor toolset

Scripthor is our set of scripts for our daily routine, to speed up the development workflow.

Til today, we provide the following scripts:

  • Reload your local environment setting everything up for a new developer, a new branch, or just to ensure your changes won't break production during the deployment.
  • Compile your sass and js-es6 files inside docker so you don't need to have node or gulp installed on your machine. Forget about version issues.
  • For a given content entity (content type, paragraph, custom block type...) it will take the entity definition, all its fields, form configuration and view modes and will copy them to the module of your choice.

Buffet of selected modules

We are updating or selection of required modules to ensure you won't forget anything. The modules bundled will solve the needs of different areas such as SEO, security, content editing, themming or deployments across different environments.


To create a new project based on this boilerplate, the recommended method is using composer create-project:

composer create-project metadrop/drupal-boilerplate:8.x-dev my-project

Then, complete the setup following these steps:

  1. Copy the .env.example file to .env and edit it to fit your needs.
  2. Copy the docker-compose.override.yml.dist file to docker-compose.override.yml. Look for the services.traefik.ports value. There you have the port mapping in the form <your local machine port>:<container port>. Note that WEB_SERVER_PORT is the local machine port which is mapped to point the web server port inside the container.
  3. Start containers running docker-compose up -d in repository root.
  4. To access the site go to URL: http://<PROJECT_BASE_URL>:<WEBSERVER_PORT>/
  5. To access the project's documentation go to URL: http://docs.\<PROJECT_BASE_URL>:<WEBSERVER_PORT>/


This repository is a Drupal project that can be setup locally using docker.


Language:PHP 85.2%Language:Gherkin 8.0%Language:Makefile 6.8%