No license specified
zyavrik opened this issue · comments
Was your work based on titu1994's code: ? It's published under MIT license. Can you include it to your repository as well?
I did not base this off of titu1994s code, I wrote this while looking at Googles tfslim implementation. If anything it should have the same license as theirs.
Thanks for providing details! Can you please just add a license file to the repository?
So, it's Apache - not MIT?
@zyavrik Original Inception V4 is licensed under Apache, so since I wrote mine while referencing that implementation, yes it gets Apache. Apache is a very permissive license so I doubt you will run into any limitations.
I'm sorry, but can you also upload a license to keras-inception-resnetV2?
Is it Apache also?
The link to the keras-inception-resnetV2 that doesn't have license file: