kennu / serverless-cognito-oauth2

Serverless Cognito OAuth2 authentication module

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This project was built for Serverless 0.x. Nowadays you should use Serverless 1.x or later. You may also find Amazon's built-in Cognito User Pool authorizers useful, they are available nowadays.

Serverless Cognito OAuth2

Kenneth Falck 2016


This is a Serverless module that provides OAuth2 user authentication using Amazon Cognito to store user identities and profiles.

The module also includes a Custom Authorizer for API Gateway, which you should configure for every API that needs to be behind authentication.

Once you've installed and configured the module, navigate to [yoursiteurl]/cognito/login to start the login process.


To use this module, copy this folder under your Serverless project root folder. Then, in the copied folder, run this command to install dependencies:

npm install

You will also need to merge the Lambda policy permissions found in s-resources-cf.json into your Serverless project's main s-resources-cf.json.

All the Lambda functions and APIs will be deployed by running these commands in your Serverless project root:

sls function deploy -a
sls endpoint deploy -a


Use these environment variables to control the authentication process:

AWS_REGION - AWS region to use
AWS_ACCOUNT_ID - AWS account to use in authentication
COGNITO_POOL_ID - Amazon Cognito Pool ID to use
COGNITO_PROVIDER - Amazon Cognito OpenID Provider name to use
COGNITO_PROFILE_DATASET - Amazon Cognito dataset to store user profile in
COGNITO_TRIGGER_TOPIC - Amazon SNS topic ARN to publish user logins in
OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID - External OAuth2 provider Client ID
OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET - External OAuth2 provider Client Secret
OAUTH2_SERVER - External OAuth2 provider base URL
OAUTH2_TOKEN_PATH - Path for requesting tokens on OAuth2 server
OAUTH2_AUTHORIZATION_PATH - Path for authorizing on OAuth2 server
OAUTH2_USERINFO_PATH - Path for requesting user info on OAuth2 server
OAUTH2_CALLBACK_URI - Full URI to /callback on our own server
OAUTH2_REDIRECT_URI - Final redirect URI after authentication is complete
OAUTH2_LOCAL_REDIRECT_URI - Final redirect URI for localhost testing

You will need to configure all those variables in your Serverless project. Here is a script template you can copy-paste to do it:

sls variables set -k AWS_REGION -v eu-west-1
sls variables set -k AWS_ACCOUNT_ID -v 1234567890
sls variables set -k COGNITO_POOL_ID -v eu-west-1:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
sls variables set -k COGNITO_PROVIDER -v
sls variables set -k COGNITO_PROFILE_DATASET -v profile
sls variables set -k COGNITO_TRIGGER_TOPIC -v arn:aws:sns:eu-west-1:1234567890:Xxx-Cognito-dev
sls variables set -k OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID -v xxx
sls variables set -k OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET -v xxx
sls variables set -k OAUTH2_SERVER -v
sls variables set -k OAUTH2_TOKEN_PATH -v /oauth/token
sls variables set -k OAUTH2_AUTHORIZATION_PATH -v /authorize
sls variables set -k OAUTH2_USERINFO_PATH -v /userinfo
sls variables set -k OAUTH2_CALLBACK_URI -v
sls variables set -k OAUTH2_REDIRECT_URI -v
sls variables set -k OAUTH2_LOCAL_REDIRECT_URI -v http://localhost:9000/dashboard

Using the Custom Authorizer

To protect an API, add this to the endpoint configuration:

"authorizationType": "CUSTOM",
"authorizerFunction": "cognito-authorize",

Take a look at cognito-me/s-function.json for an example.

PrincipalId JSON format

The Custom Authorizer uses API Gateway's principalId field to convey information to other Lambda functions. The field is populated with a small JSON encoded document that may carry several attributes:

  id: "<conito identity id>",
  email: "<cognito profile email>"

The principalId document can be automatically decoded by using an API Gateway request template like this:

"requestTemplates": {
  "application/json": "{\"principalId\":$context.authorizer.principalId}"

The JSON is expanded by the template and the fields are passed to Lambda functions as:

Exposed API Gateway Endpoints

These paths are exposed by this module:

  • GET /cognito/login - Starts the login process (redirects the web browser to the OAuth2 provider)
  • GET /cognito/callback - Ends the login process (redirect back from the OAuth2 provider)
  • GET /cognito/me - Returns signed in profile information or 401 if not signed in

Cognito SNS trigger events

If you configure an SNS topic ARN as COGNITO_TRIGGER_TOPIC, messages will be published whenever a user logs in. The SNS message will be JSON encoded and looks like this:

  "identityId": "[cognito-identity-id]",
  "profile": {
    "email": "..."

You can use these trigger events to synchronize your own user database.


Serverless Cognito OAuth2 authentication module


Language:JavaScript 100.0%