kennu / pypi

Node client for Python Package Index

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

PyPI Client for Node.js

pypi is a simple client which can talk with Python Package Index.


Fire up coffee console and run:

coffee> pypi = require 'pypi'
coffee> client = new pypi.Client
coffee> client.getPackageReleases "Django", (versions) -> console.log versions
coffee> [ '1.3.1', '1.3', '1.2.7', '1.2.6', '1.2.5', '1.2.4', '1.2.3', '1.2.2', '1.2.1', '1.2', '1.1.4', '1.1.3', '1.1.2', '1.0.4' ]


Basically, Client objects talk with xmlrpc PyPI interface and runs callbacks once server responses. Additionally, if underlying xmlrpc client would return error, onError callback would be called (if passed) with returned error as parameter.

pypi.Client API

callXmlrpc: (method, args, callback, onError)

This is low level client's method to use underlying xmlrpc library to talk with PyPI server. It accepts method paramter, list of arguments (args) and callback that should be run with responded result or onError which would be called in case of any error.

getPackageReleases (package, callback, onError, showHidden=false)

Callback would receive list of versions that are registered at PyPI. If showHidden is set to true, hidden versions would be included in the response.

getPackagesList (callback, onError)

Callback would receive list of ALL packages registered at PyPI.

getPackageRoles (package, callback, onError)

Callback would receive list of 2 elements lists (role, username). In example:

coffee> client.getPackageRoles "Django", (roles) -> console.log roles
coffee> [ [ 'Owner', 'ubernostrum' ], [ 'Owner', 'jacobian' ] ]

Roles may be one of Owner or Maintainer.

getUserPackages (username, callback, onError)

Callback would receive list of 2 elements lists (role, packageName). In example:

coffee> client.getUserPackages "ubernostrum", (packages) -> console.log packages
coffee> [ [ 'Owner', 'webcolors' ], [ 'Owner', 'pownce-api' ], [ 'Owner', 'django-registration' ], [ 'Owner', 'django-profiles' ], [ 'Owner', 'django-flashpolicies' ], [ 'Owner', 'Django' ], [ 'Owner', 'django-funserver' ] ]

getReleaseData (package, version, callback, onError)

Callback would receive dictionary with following keys:

  • name
  • version
  • stable_version
  • author
  • author_email
  • maintainer
  • maintainer_email
  • home_page
  • license
  • summary
  • description
  • keywords
  • platform
  • download_url
  • classifiers (list of classifier strings)
  • requires
  • requires_dist
  • provides
  • provides_dist
  • requires_external
  • requires_python
  • obsoletes
  • obsoletes_dist
  • project_url


coffee> client.getReleaseData "vcs", (val) -> console.log val
coffee> client.getReleaseData "vcs", "0.2.2", (data) -> console.log data
coffee> { maintainer: null,
  requires_python: null,
  maintainer_email: null,
  cheesecake_code_kwalitee_id: null,
  keywords: null,
  package_url: '',
  author: 'Marcin Kuzminski, Lukasz Balcerzak',
  author_email: '',
  download_url: 'UNKNOWN',
  platform: 'UNKNOWN',
  version: '0.2.2',
  cheesecake_documentation_id: null,
  _pypi_hidden: false,
  description: '===\nVCS\n===\n\nvarious version control system management abstraction layer for python.\n\n------------\nIntroduction\n------------\n\n``vcs`` is abstraction layer over various version control systems. It is\ndesigned as feature-rich Python_ library with clean *API*.\n\nvcs uses `Semantic Versioning <>`_\n\n**Features**\n\n- Common *API* for SCM backends\n- Fetching repositories data lazily\n- Simple caching mechanism so we don\'t hit repo too often\n\n**Incoming**\n\n- Simple commit api\n- Smart and powerfull in memory Workdirs\n\n-------------\nDocumentation\n-------------\n\nOnline documentation for development version is available at\n\n\nYou may also build documentation for yourself - go into ``docs/`` and run::\n\n   make html\n\n.. _python:\n.. _Sphinx:\n.. _mercurial:\n.. _git:',
  release_url: '',
  _pypi_ordering: 115,
  classifiers: [ 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Programming Language :: Python' ],
  bugtrack_url: null,
  name: 'vcs',
  license: 'UNKNOWN',
  summary: 'vcs\n    ~~~\n\n    Various version Control System (vcs) management abstraction layer for\n    Python.\n\n    :created_on: Apr 8, 2010\n    :copyright: (c) 2010-2011 by Marcin Kuzminski, Lukasz Balcerzak.',
  home_page: '',
  stable_version: null,
  cheesecake_installability_id: null }

getReleaseDownloads (package, version, callback, onError)

Callback would receive list of 2 elements lists (filename, downloads count). Example:

coffee> client.getReleaseDownloads "Django", "1.3.1", (data) -> console.log data
coffee> [ [ 'Django-1.3.1.tar.gz', 59412 ] ]

getReleaseUrls (package, version, callback, onError)

Callback would receive list of objects and each of those objects would have following keys:

  • url
  • packagetype ('sdist', 'bdist', etc)
  • filename
  • size
  • md5_digest
  • downloads
  • has_sig
  • python_version (required version, or 'source', or 'any')
  • comment_text


coffee> client.getReleaseUrls "Django", "1.3.1", (urls) -> console.log urls
coffee> [ { has_sig: false,
    upload_time: Sat, 10 Sep 2011 01:36:21 GMT,
    comment_text: '',
    python_version: 'source',
    url: '',
    md5_digest: '62d8642fd06b9a0bf8544178f8500767',
    downloads: 59412,
    filename: 'Django-1.3.1.tar.gz',
    packagetype: 'sdist',
    size: 6514564 } ]

Usage examples

This snippet would print total number of downloads for a Django package:

_    = require 'underscore'
pypi = require 'pypi'

sum = (numbers) -> _.reduce(numbers, (memo, num) ->
    memo + num
, 0)

showTotalDownloads = (package) ->
    client = new pypi.Client
    totalDownloads = 0
    client.getPackageReleases package, (versions) ->
        todo = versions.length
        onDone = ->
            console.log "Package #{package} was downloaded for #{totalDownloads} times."

        _.each versions, (version) ->
            client.getReleaseDownloads package, version, (downloads) ->
                downloadCounts = (row[1] for row in downloads)
                totalDownloads += sum(downloadCounts)
                todo -= 1
                if todo == 0

showTotalDownloads "Django"


Node client for Python Package Index

License:MIT License


Language:CoffeeScript 99.4%Language:Shell 0.6%