ken-tune / se-simulator


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

SE demo

A k8s based deployment designed to demonstrate scalability in a trade generation scenario.

What happens is

  1. Trades get generated
  2. They get sent to a processing server
  3. The server saves the raw trades and aggregate records to an Aerospike database, summarizing trading activity on a per contract basis and also on a per contract & price basis. The summary records are sharded in order to manage load.


You will need kubectl and access to a Kubernetes cluster e.g. Docker Desktop or EKS.

Quick Start

To run the demo, from the root directory of this repository


This will create 3 different microservices

  1. A trade generator - this is the trade-data-gen replica set
  2. An Aerospike pod
  3. A trade processing service called trade-store-server

After creating the above assets, the script will call

kubectl get pods

every second. You should stop the script once all the pods are in the Running state. This will take approximately 50 seconds. The output will look something like

NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
aerospike                  1/1     Running   0          55s
trade-data-gen-v45gt       1/1     Running   3          55s
trade-data-gen-xrc5l       1/1     Running   2          55s
trade-store-server-jfzmg   1/1     Running   2          55s
trade-store-server-rml8n   1/1     Running   2          55s

You can see the results of the demo by logging into Aerospike

kubectl exec -it aerospike -- aql	

We can look at the raw trades

aql> select * from test.trades
| ticker  | price             | volume | timestamp     |
| "B.COM" | 123.9984          | 4272   | 1625671381566 |
| "B.COM" | 123.9995          | 21949  | 1625671342500 |
| "A.COM" | 32.0064           | 368    | 1625671378544 |
| "B.COM" | 124.0038          | 16285  | 1625671479635 |

We can also look at the summary information

aql> select * from memory_ns.contractSummary
| contractRecord                                                             | cntrctPriceSum                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |
| MAP('{"price":[124.0255], "timestamp":[1625671657808], "volume":1953717}') | KEY_VALUE_ORDERED_MAP('{124.015:{"timestamp":[1625671630351], "volume":1862}, 123.9918:{"timestamp":[1625671533298], "volume":19920}, 123.9933:{"timestamp":[1625671416758], "volume":578}, 123.9974:{"timestamp":[1625671363606], "volume":2303}, 123.9998:{" |
| MAP('{"price":[32.0111], "timestamp":[1625671657809], "volume":463060}')   | KEY_VALUE_ORDERED_MAP('{32.0043:{"timestamp":[1625671460984], "volume":1638}, 31.9968:{"timestamp":[1625671613637], "volume":65}, 31.9913:{"timestamp":[1625671551985], "volume":250}, 31.9851:{"timestamp":[1625671507767], "volume":3527}, 31.9983:{"timesta |
| MAP('{"price":[32.0124], "timestamp":[1625671658449], "volume":327253}')   | KEY_VALUE_ORDERED_MAP('{32.0097:{"timestamp":[1625671647398], "volume":403}, 31.9859:{"timestamp":[1625671649780], "volume":7604}, 32:{"timestamp":[1625671435399], "volume":164}, 31.9953:{"timestamp":[1625671469576], "volume":6637}, 31.9924:{"timestamp": |

This contains sharded summary records for scalability purposes

We can retrieve an individual shard using the key ticker-shardNo

aql> select * from memory_ns.contractSummary where PK = "A.COM-1"
| contractRecord                                                           | cntrctPriceSum                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |
| MAP('{"price":[32.0126], "timestamp":[1625671775814], "volume":477092}') | KEY_VALUE_ORDERED_MAP('{32.0069:{"timestamp":[1625671617274], "volume":3143}, 31.9985:{"timestamp":[1625671603581], "volume":814}, 31.9959:{"timestamp":[1625671319389], "volume":923}, 31.9904:{"timestamp":[1625671548968], "volume":4914}, 31.9892:{"timest |
1 row in set (0.002 secs)


The level of sharding can be controlled - see later.

Scaling control

The level of scaling in the deployment can be controlled

  1. Increase the number of trade generators by amending the number of replicas specified for the trade-data-gen replica set in se-demo.yml.template - note you must modify the template

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: ReplicaSet
      name: trade-data-gen
      replicas: 2 # <---- THIS NUMBER
  2. Increase the number of trade processing servers by amending the number of replicas specified for the trade-store-server replica set in se-demo.yml.template

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: ReplicaSet
      name: trade-store-server
      replicas: 2 # <---- THIS NUMBER
  3. The number of trades generated per container per second can be modified via the ITERATIONS_PER_SECOND and TRADES_PER_ITERATION environment variables for the trade-data-gen container in se-demo.yml.template

          - name: trade-data-gen
            image: $DOCKERHUB_ACCOUNT/se-simulator:tradeGen
            - name: ITERATIONS_PER_SECOND
              value: "1" # <---- THIS NUMBER
            - name: TRADES_PER_ITERATION
              value: "10" # <---- AND THIS ONE
  4. The level of sharding of the aggregate records can be modified via the CONTRACT_RECORD_SHARD_COUNT environment variable for the trade-store-server container in se-demo.yml.template

          - name: trade-store-server
            image: $DOCKERHUB_ACCOUNT/se-simulator:trade-store-server
              value: "10" # <---- THIS NUMBER

After changing any of these values the deployment should be deleted and re-deployed.


followed by


as above



Trade Store Server

The Java code associated with this is in the TradeStoreServer directory.

The unit tests are a good place to start in terms of understanding how it works.

The following calls

public long getAggregateVolumeForTicker(String ticker)

public double getHighestPriceTradedForTicker(String ticker)

public long getMostRecentTradeTimestampForTicker(String ticker)

public long getAggregateVolumeForTickerAndPrice(String ticker,double price)

public long getMostRecentTradeTimestampForTickerAndPrice(String ticker,double price)

in the class TradeStoreServer can be examined to understand how the net results are obtained from the aggregates


You can build your own images by altering the value of the variable DOCKERHUB_ACCOUNT in to your own DockerHub account id. Remember to do docker login having done this. Build thusly


After this, when you run ./ the images from your DockerHub repository will be used.




Language:Java 80.8%Language:JavaScript 15.6%Language:Shell 3.6%