kellybell / kalastack

Local development environment for drupal

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Kalastack is a basic LEMP stack built for Drupal. At its core it is a series of puppet manifests that are managed by Vagrant. Kalastack was built to run primarily on Ubuntu Server 12.04.


Kalastack requires Vagrant 1.1.2 and VirtualBox 4.28 to be run correctly. Before you begin please download both. Notes: At this time, Kalastack is actively tested on Mac OSX 1.8 and with Vagrant 1.1.2 and VirtualBox 4.2.8.

Once you have downloaded and installed both Vagrant and Virtual box, you can build out the complete stack:

$ mkdir ~/kalastack
$ cd ~/kalastack
$ git clone git:// ./
$ vagrant box add kalabox
$ vagrant up kalabox --provision-with=shell,puppet_server

To ssh into your server, from within ~/kalastack, issue:

$ vagrant ssh 

Post Install Checks


Add the following entry to /etc/hosts on your host system start.kala php.kala grind.kala kala

On Windows XP this is located at c:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

You should now be able to access http://start.kala in your browser


Kalastack uses NFS file sharing. You can access your server webroot at ~/kalabox/www on your host machine. This way you can use your local IDE to edit files on your server.

Working with Pantheon


The first step to working with Pantheon is to get your site aliases. These are available for download on your Pantheon account page. You will need to rename and put the downloaded file into ~/kalabox/drush/aliases.drushrc.php on your host machine. You can verify your aliases are functioning correctly by running "drush sa" on your Kalastack.


You are also going to want to make sure you create and add your Kalabox ssh public key to Pantheon. This can be a little tricky. See how to participate for more info

$ ssh-keygen
$ cat ~/.ssh/


Kalastack ships with 8 custom drush commands designed specifically for Pantheon and Kalastack. They are useless without Pantheon's site alias file.

These commands only work with your dev environments. You will use the same naming convention as your pantheon aliases (PANTHEON.SITENAME.ENV) but you will omit the @. You are using the alias name as an argument, not as an alias. Here are the commands.

 $ drush build   

Will completely build your Pantheon site on your Kalastack, this will edit settings.php and set up a vhost. After running this command and adding your server name to your hosts /etc/hosts file you should be able to visit the site in your web browser.

$ drush krefresh 

Will refresh the code, database and files on your Kalastack from your pantheon site

$ drush crush

Will completely remove from your Kalastack.

$ drush kala

Will show helpful info

$ drush code    

Will either git clone or git pull from your Pantheon codebase to your Kalabox at /var/www/SITENAME on your guest and ~/kalabox/www/SITENAME on your guest.

$ drush data    

Will download and import your Pantheon dev MySQL database to your Kalabox in a DB named SITENAME_kala

$ drush files   

Will sync your pantheon dev files to your Kalastack, accessible from /var/www/SITENAME/sites/default/files when ssh'd in to your stack, and from ~/kalabox/www/SITENAME/sites/default/files on your host.

$ drush vhost   

Will build and enable a nginx vhost file of your Pantheon site on your Kalastack at SITENAME.kala


Remember that the Kalastack does not automatically update the /etc/hosts file on your HOST so you will have to add each new site line manually in order to visit http://SITENAME.kala in your web browser!    SITENAME.kala


Kalastack ships with xdebug for both debugging and profiling.


Debugging is best done with an IDE such as netbeans or eclipse on your host OS. The xdebug setup should already be done on the Kalabox end so you should only need to set up your IDE.

Here is some useful documentation to help:


For profiling, we recommend you use the webgrind client which comes preconfigured with your Kalabox and is located at http://grind.kala.

Profiling on every page has a performance impact so you must trigger what pages you want to profile by manually appending ?XDEBUG_PROFILE to the URL (see for more detail) and then checking webgrind.

Many broswers also offer automated tools/plugins to turn profiling on and off.


(C) 2013 Kalamuna LLC


Local development environment for drupal


Language:Puppet 49.5%Language:PHP 35.2%Language:Ruby 15.3%