kellerj / react-prisma-base

Starter project framework for my prisma apps

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React-Prisma Application Template

TODO Project Overview - a brief summary of the purpose of this application and the functions it performs.

TODO If there is documentation on this project stored elsewhere, it can be linked to from here.

Note: Please delete placeholder content when using this template.

Using this template project

  1. Clone this repository

  2. If you don't want the history, remove the .git directory.

  3. If you want the history, remove the original upstream: git remote remove origin

  4. Add the new repository as the origin:

    git remote add origin -t master -m master <remote URL>
  5. Update the project name in all README and package.json files.

  6. Update the app name in backend/.env.example

  7. Remove the Something datamodel object and all related components. (resolver actions, ShowSomething.jsx, graphql-shield checks)

Project Structure

Directory Purpose
frontend UI Components for application
frontend/pages Main pages used for application routes
frontend/pages/api API routes (non-UI URLs)
frontend/components JSX/React components
frontend/lib Any helper code files
frontend/styles SCSS Bootstrap config and theme setup
frontend/public Static content sourced by pages
------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
backend Business logic and data access GraphQL server
backend/database Database schema and backend graphQL schema.
backend/database/seed Tnitial data seeding scripts.
backend/keys Development-only encryption public/private key files.
backend/scripts Helper scripts to configure the application.
backend/src Core server components
backend/src/generated Prisma-client generated files
backend/src/lib support libraries
backend/src/middlewares GraphQL Server middleware for logging and authorization
backend/src/resolvers GraphQL resolvers
backend/scripts Helper/config test scripts.


Note any software which needs to be installed on the developer's system prior to being able to install or run the application.

  • Docker (for Prisma)
  • MongoDB 4+
  • Node 12+

VS Code Plugins

If you are using VS Code, please have these plugins installed to ensure code developed confirms to development standards within the existing code base.

  • Better Comments
  • Code Spell Checker
  • Dependency Analytics
  • EditorConfig for VS Code
  • ESLint
  • Markdown Table Formatter
  • markdownlint
  • YAML

Recommended VS Code Plugins

While not necessary, these may help with development:

  • Bracket Pair Colorizer 2
  • Docker
  • Document This
  • DotENV
  • GraphQL (Prisma)
  • Markdown All in One
  • Toggle Quotes
  • vscode-styled-components

Install / Setup

Provide any instructions needed to setup an developer environment to be able to run this application. These instructions may also apply to server setup done by operations, but a formal document for the operations handoff should be a separate document as there are usually more considerations which need to be made in non-developer environments. (account creation, firewalls, load balancing, etc...)

Configuration Setup

The .env.example file should be functional for a local deployment of the application.

  • Copy backend/.env.example to backend/.env

Environment Variables

FE == Used by Frontend server BE == Used by Backend Server

Environment Variable FE BE Purpose
INSTANCE_ID X X instance code (dev/qa/prd)
APP_NAME X X Used to id application and database schema
FRONTEND_PORT X Listening port for frontend
FRONTEND_URL X X Public URL for application
BACKEND_PORT X Listening port for backend
BACKEND_BASE_URL X Public root URL for backend server
BACKEND_URL X X Public URL for backend server's GraphQL endpoints
SERVER_BACKEND_URL X Internal URL for backend server's GraphQL endpoints
PRISMA_BASE_URL Base URL of the Prisma server
PRISMA_ENDPOINT X URL of the Prisma Server's endpoint for this app/instance
PRISMA_SECRET X Application-specific secret for prisma
PRISMA_MANAGEMENT_API_SECRET X Prisma-server global management API secret
PRISMA_DEBUG X Turn Prisma debug logging on/off
GRAPHQL_PLAYGROUND_ENABLED X Turn GraphQL Playground on backend on/off
JWT_SECRET X X Signing secret for JWT tokens shared between FE and BE
SESSION_SECRET X Signing secret for the express session token.
SESSION_EXPIRE_HOURS X Hours for expiration of express session and JWT Token
KEY_PATH X Path to the key files used for encryption.
KEY_CURR_ID X Current Encryption key ID.
KEY_PASSPHRASE X Passphrase to decrypt the private key used to decrypt data.
LOG_DIRECTORY X X Location to store any file-based logs.
Property Notes
  • *_PORT
    • used to set up the Express listeners.
    • development : enables certain hot reloading features and debugging options - intended for use in workstation environments only
    • production : used on all server deployments to compile code without debug options
    • URL to be used for GraphQL calls for communications between the frontend and backend server components.
    • Secret used to protect the Prisma managment API calls which allow for deployment of schema changes.
    • This application's secret which allows data updates to the stored data. This secret is per application and environment.
    • Signing key used to verify JWT tokens between the browser, frontend, and backend servers.
    • Signing key used by the Express session management library.
Encrypted Properties

The base application supports encryption of properties via the Jasypt library. Any property can be be set in the .env configuration file with the format: ENC(encrypted_value). That value will be decrypted using the key stored in the APP_CONFIG_KEY environment variable.

To encrypt a property, set the environment variable APP_CONFIG_KEY to the key which will be used on the server to decrypt the value and run npm run encrypt-config-val in the backend directory, passing the value you want to encrypt. Copy the output and put it in the .env file or the configuration system if it does not support encrypting values during deployment.

MongoDB Setup

If you are not using the docker-compose version of MongoDB, you will need to create a prisma user on your local MongoDB instance. Log into your server and issue the following command:

    user: "prisma",
    pwd: "prisma",
    roles: [ "dbAdmin" ]

System Components

This application requires 4 local servers during development.

Server Port Purpose
Frontend Server 7777 Next.js/Apollo Client
Backend Server 4444 Apollo Server/Backend Logic
Prisma Server 4466 GraphQL Database Mapping
MongoDB Database 27017 Database


To run the application you need to have your MongoDB running. (Assumption is that it is on your local machine on port 27017. This can be either as a local server or running in a port-mapped docker container.)

  1. Run Prisma (./backend npm run prisma)
  2. Deploy Database Changes (./backend npm run db:deploy)
  3. Run Backend (./backend npm run dev)
  4. Run Frontend (./frontend npm run dev)

Describe how to run and access the application. In the case of an application which runs as part of a larger server, then note the URL at which the application can be accessed. (And any important URLs the application exposes.)

If there is a way to start up the application in debug mode, describe that as well.

Running Prisma

Prisma is a general-purpose server. You only need one instance running for all Prisma-based applications you are working on (per database type - Mongo/MySQL/etc...)

Prisma runs in a docker container. No local install is needed except for the Docker host application.

You have two options when running Prisma. If you already have a local MongoDB database running on your system on port 27017, then you can use the npm command:

npm run prisma

That will start up the Prisma server and leave it running in the background. Prisma's configuration is in backend/PRISMA_CONFIG.yml. You can check the running status of the server by running:

docker ps

To stop (and delete) the Prisma server:

npm run prisma:stop

Prisma URLs

Prisma will be running a GraphQL Playground at http://localhost:4466/${APP_NAME}/local. You will need a token to be able to use it. Run the db:token command for that.

Prisma also has a useful administrative UI. To access that for your database, run: npm run db:admin to open that in your browser.

Using Docker Compose

If you do not have a MongoDB server already running, you can also use docker compose to start up both a prisma and MongoDB server. In the backend directory run:

Action Command
Create and start servers docker-compose up -d
Check server status docker-compose ps
View the server logs docker-compose logs
Stop the servers docker-compose stop
Resume stopped servers docker-compose start
Stop and destroy servers docker-compose down

Deploying Database Changes

Before running the server for the first time, and after any change to database/datamodel.graphql, you must deploy the changes to Prisma. (This also updates the JavaScript bindings that the backend server uses to talk to the database. Those must be in sync or the client will not know about the changes.)

This has been encapsulated in the command below. On first run, this will also seed the database with any data which is needed upon first load. The master seed script is database/seed/index.js. See Prisma's examples for more information. (e.g.,

npm run db:deploy

Running Backend

Once Prisma is running and the database deployed, you can start up the backend server. This will start it with monitoring which will restart the application when you make code changes and will enable the debugger ports so you can connect a NodeJS Inspector client to it.

npm run dev

While the backend does not have an explicit UI. (It's a GraphQL API Server.) There is a supporting playground (almost identical to the Prisma one) running at http://localhost:4444/playground

Running Frontend

Finally, starting up the frontend is the same. You do not need to run the build script, that is for server deployments only.

npm run dev

After starting up, the application should be running at http://localhost:7777


TODO If you have any automated testing, describe how to run it and where the results are saved.

Using the Prisma GraphQL Playground

Since the Prisma server is protected by an application secret, you must provide authentication when using the playground. To get the token you need for that, you must run the npm run db:token command. It will return a JSON object which you will need to paste into the HTTP HEADERS tab in the bottom left of the playground.

The JSON object will look something like the following:

  "APIAuthToken":"Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJkYXRhIjp7InNlcnZpY2UiOiJ0ZWFAbG9jYWwiLCJyb2xlcyI6WyJhZG1pbiJdfSwiaWF0IjoxNTU3NDI1MzMxLCJleHAiOjE1NTgwMzAxMzF9.r1q6R5Kpx40BqBgg1wgFj-OHqgfVHJoQD_shCEk2o8I"

If you are interested in what the garbage above contains, it's a JWT token. You can paste it into the page at to see its contents.

Development URLs

[Other Information]

If you have other information which can be useful to anyone unfamiliar to this project, it can be included here. If there is a lot of additional information, then you can link to files in the docs/ sub-path.

Links to Documentation for Server Software Used


Starter project framework for my prisma apps


Language:JavaScript 93.3%Language:CSS 3.1%Language:Shell 1.9%Language:Dockerfile 1.7%