keitheobrien / aws-kube-cluster

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AWS Deployer

This repo is for non-production purposes The code provided is for demo purposes only.

This repo contains Terraform and Ansible projects that can be used to create a simple 3 node Kubernetes cluster.

Upload your SSH key to AWS through the console


Update the file with the following:

  • Name of SSH key uploaded in previous step
  • Path to private and public SSH keys
  • AWS region you want to deploy to
  • VPC ID for chosen AWS region
  • Subnet ID for chosen VPC.

Before running Terraform you must have you aws credentials in ~/.aws/credentials, which looks like this.

aws_access_key_id = ASDFWEF1983739
aws_secret_access_key = cDrL82349723984Dllkjo

After you have added the credentials initialize Terraform

terraform init 

You can see that it has now downloaded the AWS module.

Now use the plan option to confirm Terraform will be creating the cluster as expected.

terraform plan 

Look at the output and confirm it is creating 4 objects

  • Security group
  • 1 Master node
  • 2 Worker nodes

Now apply the changes

terraform apply 

You will be prompted to type yes to confirm.

If everything is setup correctly you should see something simliar to:

k8s-master public_ips = [
k8s-node public_ips = [,


There are two Ansible playbooks, docker.yml, which is used to install and setup Docker on the hosts and k8s-cluster.yml which installs Kubeadm and creates the Kubernetes cluster.

I have also provided an inventory folder for us-west, if you decide to use a different region update the ec2.ini file for your region.

Run the following:

ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False ansible-playbook -u ubuntu -b --key-file ~/.ssh/k8s-test  -i inventory_us-west/ docker.yml k8s-cluster.yml

Replace the --key-file with path to your SSH private key.

After this is complete you should be able to SSH into the master IP

 ssh -i ~/.ssh/k8s-test ubuntu@

Confirm the Kubernetes cluster was created successfully.

kubectl get nodes


ip-10-0-102-43   Ready    <none>   18m   v1.13.4
ip-10-0-102-46   Ready    <none>   18m   v1.13.4
ip-10-0-102-50   Ready    master   19m   v1.13.4



Language:Python 95.1%Language:HCL 4.9%