keima / step-go-appengine-util

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Go App Engine Deploy

A step that deploys Go applications to Google App Engine.

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`$WERCKER_SOURCE_DIR`(gitのroot配下)もしくは`target-directory`オプション配下のディレクトリは、`$GOPATH`準拠になるようにしてください。 具体的には`/src`ディレクトリ内にgoファイルを配置するようにしてください。 加えて、上記ディレクトリ直下には`app.yaml`を含むようにしてください。

[v.0.1.0] target-directory attribute is deprecated. Please use cwd wercker built-in attribute.


  • method - goapp argument. Option is below. (required)
  • cwd (wercker built-in) - change current directory to specified dir. (optional)
  • e.g. go source files are located in /src/proj and you'll do goapp get, set cwd to /src/proj.
  • e.g. app.yaml is located in / and you'll do goapp deploy, may not be set cwd to / because WERCKER_SRC is /.
  • gopath - additional GOPATH env variant. (optional)
  • Default GOPATH is $WERCKER_CACHE_DIR/gopath(for output directory of goapp get).
  • If you set this option, GOPATH is $WERCKER_CACHE_DIR/gopath:(additional GOPATH)
  • If your repo is aimed to set $WERCKER_SOURCE_DIR ( equal git repo root ) as GOPATH, this option is useful.

deploy method

This method's current dir SHOULD contains app.yaml.


  • token - The OAuth 2.0 refresh token of the Google account to use for deployment. (required if using deploy method)

get method

test method

build method


  - keima/go-appengine-util:
      cwd: path/to/gocode/
      method: get
  - keima/go-appengine-util:
      cwd: path/to/gocode/
      method: test
  - keima/go-appengine-util:
      cwd: path/to/gocode/
      method: build
  - keima/go-appengine-util:
      method: deploy
      cwd: path/to/appyaml/
      token:  $APP_ENGINE_TOKEN