keijiro / Voxelman

Unity DOTS/ECS example

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Cannot run in Unity2019

footman136 opened this issue · comments

I upgraded the code to Unity2019, but got an error mesage like this:

Library\PackageCache\com.unity.multiplayer-hlapi@1.0.4\Runtime\NetworkTransform.cs(293,20): error CS1069: The type name 'Rigidbody2D' could not be found in the namespace 'UnityEngine'. This type has been forwarded to assembly 'UnityEngine.Physics2DModule, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' Enable the built in package 'Physics 2D' in the Package Manager window to fix this error.

And I checked the unity, but in my Package Manager Window, there is no "Physics 2D" built-in package, but only "Physics" which means physics of 3D.

How can I load 'Physics 2D' into the Package Manager Window?

This project is not compatible with the latest version of Unity and DOTS (formerly named ECS), and I'm not very motivated to fix it because:

  • This example is not actually a good example of use of DOTS.
  • DOTS is developing and changing really fast; It's not that easy to catch up.
  • VFX Graph came out; It's very good at doing this kind of effects.

So, I strongly recommend referring other examples.

Thank you for your reply.
And I used it into my old Unity2018, there is no error this time, but I saw nothing when running. I found some missing prefabs in the scene, is that the reason?
I'm using Unity2018.2.10f1.

Please check if the git submodules are correctly cloned.

Thank you so much! It runs on my machine now. It's so cool.
After I download all the four submodules into my packages directory, it runs like flying.