keertimaan / badges

The definitive rendering collection of badges

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The definitive collection of badges for rendering



  • Install: npm install --save badges
  • Module: require('badges')


  • Install: npm install --save badges
  • Module: require('badges')
  • CDN URL: //


  • Install: ender add badges
  • Module: require('badges')

This package is published with the following editions:

  • badges aliases badges/index.js which uses Editions to automatically select the correct edition for the consumers environment
  • badges/source/index.js is Source + ESNext + Require
  • badges/es2015/index.js is Babel Compiled + ES2015 + Require

Older environments may need Babel's Polyfill or something similar.


// Listing of the badges to output
const list = [
	// Custom image badge, `url` and `title` are optional
	['badge', {image: 'image url', alt: 'image alt text', url: 'target url', title: 'title for mouseover'}],
	// Custom badge, for options see the "Your Badge" section at the bottom of:
	['shields', {left: 'subject', right: 'status', color: 'red', alt: 'badge alt text', url: 'target url', title: 'title for mouseover'}],
	// Development Badges
	// Testing Badges
	// Funding Badges
	// Social Badges

// Configuration for the badges
const config = {
	npmPackageName: 'getbadges',

	saucelabsUsername: 'bevry',
	saucelabsAuthToken: '123',
	codeshipProjectUUID: '123',
	codeshipProjectID: '123',
	githubSlug: 'bevry/getbadges',

	sixtydevstipsID: 'd2dcf439c9759e88f3ccec1cef394c10',
	patreonUsername: 'bevry',
	gratipayUsername: 'bevry',
	flattrCode: '344188/balupton-on-Flattr',
	flattrUsername: 'balupton',
	flattrURL: '',
	paypalURL: '',
	paypalButtonID: 'QB8GQPZAH84N6',  // another option instead of paypalURL
	paypalUsername: 'bevry',  // another option instead of paypalURL
	bitcoinURL: '',
	wishlistURL: '',

	slackinURL: '',
	gaTrackingID: 'UA-XXXXX-XX',
	homepage: '',
	facebookApplicationID: '123123',
	facebookUsername: 'balupton',
	twitterUsername: 'bevryme',
	githubUsername: 'balupton',
	quoraUsername: 'Benjamin-Lupton',
	quoraRealname: 'Benjamin Arthur Lupton', // optional, will extract from username

// Options for rendering the badges
const options = {
	// Filter Category
	// When set to a string, will only render badges from the list that of the specified category
	// Values can be 'development', 'testing', 'funding', or 'social'
	// E.g. to render only funding badges, set to 'funding'
	filterCategory: false,

	// Filter Scripts
	// When true, do not render any badges from the list that are scripts
	filterScripts: false

// Render the badges to a string
const result = require('badges').renderBadges(list, config, options)

// Output the result


Discover the release history by heading on over to the file.


Discover how you can contribute by heading on over to the file.

Adding a badge

If you there is a badge that you believe will be common enough for others to benefit from, send in a pull request. Each pull request should:

  1. Add the badge rendering code to the appropriate category section inside source/badges.js
  2. If your badge requires a script to run, it should have badgeScript = true - see other badges for an example
  3. Also remember to export your badge.
  4. Add the badges test data to the test file source/test.js
  5. Add the badge configuration information to this readme file

These changes can be done in multiple commits or the same, it doesn't matter, as we will squash the commits on merge. We will also the changelog entry, so you don't need to do.



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Patreon donate button Gratipay donate button Flattr donate button PayPal donate button Bitcoin donate button Wishlist browse button


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The definitive rendering collection of badges



Language:JavaScript 100.0%