keenanwoodall / Deform

A fully-featured deformer system for Unity that lets you stack effects to animate models in real-time

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How to modify deformer's params in script?

zzm88 opened this issue · comments

using UnityEngine;
using Deform;
public class script : MonoBehaviour
    private float bend_angle;
    void Start()
       // get  deformable
        script deformable = GetComponent<script>();
        Deformable d = deformable.GetComponent<Deformable>();


    void Update()
        //tried to access and modify Angle param here but fail
        bend_angle = d.DeformerElements[0].Component.Angle;


It says "Unknown member: Angle", but I can see Angle and other params are under Component in watch window.
what is the correct way to do that?

d is declared within the Start method so it is not accessible from the Update method. You need to declare it alongside bend_angle so that any function in the script has access to it.