keenanwoodall / Deform

A fully-featured deformer system for Unity that lets you stack effects to animate models in real-time

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Apply Deformable to all MeshFilter Childs

usernameHed opened this issue · comments

Hello, I would like to know if it's currently possible. I have a prefab with +10 mesh inside.
I saw that if I create for each child's gameObjects an Deformable Components, it obviously work if I setup for each of them the same deformer.

But I wonder if we could have an option in the Deformable to say "Apply to childs" or something. I wonder if the way I do is the good way.

Also: when I'm adding a Deformer from the Creator Window, selected on a gameObject, I would like it to add itself to EVERY deformable childs.

Currently, the easiest way to automatically make all children deformable is via the Tools/Deform/Actions/Make All Children Deformable menu item. This will find all children with a MeshFilter or SkinnedMeshRenderer and add a Deformable component to them. It also selects all of the valid child game objects so that you can more easily add a Group or Auto Group deformer.
