keedio / flume-ftp-source

FTP network server is source of events for Apache-flume

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A network server on port 21 (FTP) will be source of events for Apache-flume. Files in main directory's server will be discovered and proccessed. The source is implemented as pollable source in terms of Flume, as the polling time is configurable in the main configuration of flume's file. In main flume's agent configuration file must be specified if security for FTP is required. There are two kind of protocol security supported by the plugin:

  • FTP: File Transfer Protocol, normal plain text (insecure) but available for common use. Port 21.
  • FTPS: File Transfer Protocol that uses AUTH SSL o TLS cryptographic protocols. Port 21.
  • SFTP: File Transfer Protocol that uses SSH V3, via a single channel (layer transport) and sending/receiving in binary. Port 22.(Recommended).

Files can be processed in two ways:

  • by lines, as one event is a full line.(flushlines = true)
  • by chunk of bytes, exactly 1 KB is the size of one event by default. (flushlines = false)

Proccesed files's name and size will be tracked into a Map, this one will be "saved" into an external file (, located in parameter .folder of the config.


Compilation and packaging###

  1. Clone the project:
git clone
  1. Build with Maven:
mvn clean package

Deployment and launching

  1. flume-ftp-source-X.Y.Z.jar

  2. Download Apache Flume.

  3. Create plugins.d directory.

  4. Directory layout for plugins:

    $ cd plugins.d
    $ mkdir flume-ftp
    $ cd flume-ftp
    $ mkdir lib libext
    $ cp jsch-0.1.54.jar libext/
    $ cp commons-net-3.3.jar libext/
    $ cp flume-ftp-source-X.Y.Z.jar lib/
  5. Create a config file, examples.

    $ cp flume-ng-ftp-source-FTP.conf apache-flume-1.4.0-bin/conf/
  6. Which files will be processed?

    Files in Ftp's user directory will be processed (Remote Directory). For example, if sever and user : = agent.sources.ftp1.user = mortadelo

    host:~ root# ftp
    Connected to
    220 (vsFTPd 3.0.2)
    Name ( mortadelo
    331 Please specify the password.
    230 Login successful.
    Remote system type is UNIX.
    Using binary mode to transfer files.
    ftp> dir
    229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||29730|).
    150 Here comes the directory listing.
    -rw-r--r--    1 0        0              60 Aug 18 06:48 file1.txt
    -rw-r--r--    1 0        0              60 Aug 18 06:48 file2.txt
    226 Directory send OK.
    ftp> pwd
    Remote directory: /

    we want to process file1.txt and file2.txt

  7. Launch flume binary:

    $ ./bin/flume-ng agent -c conf -conf-file conf/flume-ng-ftp-source-FTP.conf --name agent -Dflume.root.logger=INFO,console
    2017-08-18 09:07:33,471 (PollableSourceRunner-Source-ftp1) [INFO - org.keedio.flume.source.ftp.source.Source.process(] Actual dir:  / files: 0
    2017-08-18 09:07:33,503 (PollableSourceRunner-Source-ftp1) [INFO - org.keedio.flume.source.ftp.source.Source.discoverElements(] Discovered: file1.txt ,size: 60
    2017-08-18 09:07:33,516 (PollableSourceRunner-Source-ftp1) [INFO - org.keedio.flume.source.ftp.source.Source.discoverElements(] Processed:  file1.txt ,total files: 1
    2017-08-18 09:07:33,518 (PollableSourceRunner-Source-ftp1) [INFO - org.keedio.flume.source.ftp.source.Source.discoverElements(] Discovered: file2.txt ,size: 60
    2017-08-18 09:07:33,521 (PollableSourceRunner-Source-ftp1) [INFO - org.keedio.flume.source.ftp.source.Source.discoverElements(] Processed:  file2.txt ,total files: 2
    2017-08-18 09:07:38,526 (PollableSourceRunner-Source-ftp1) [INFO - org.keedio.flume.source.ftp.source.Source.process(] Actual dir:  / files: 2
    2017-08-18 09:07:43,535 (PollableSourceRunner-Source-ftp1) [INFO - org.keedio.flume.source.ftp.source.Source.process(] Actual dir:  / files: 2
    2017-08-18 09:07:48,547 (PollableSourceRunner-Source-ftp1) [INFO - org.keedio.flume.source.ftp.source.Source.process(] Actual dir:  / files: 2
  8. Data processed.

    For testing purposes set:

    agent.sinks.k1.type = file_roll = /var/log/flume-ftp

    in /var/log/flume-ftp, flume will create a file ( file_roll ) as 123456789...-

    [host]# ls -ll
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 120 Aug 18 09:07 1503040052934-1
    tail -f 1503040052934-1
    line from file1.txt Fri_Aug_18_06:48:40.1503038920_UTC_2017
    line from file2.txt Fri_Aug_18_06:48:51.1503038931_UTC_2017
  9. Stop and start processing files from the latest information unprocessed.

    In config file, parameters agent.sources.ftp1.folder = /var/log/flume-ftp = status-ftp1-file.ser

    configure the path for the file that will keep a track status of files and information processed. For example, if stopping flume-ng and restarting, file1.txt and file2.txt will not be discovered again. With flume stopped i appended a new line to file1.txt.

    2017-08-18 09:48:50,633 (lifecycleSupervisor-1-0) [INFO - org.apache.flume.instrumentation.MonitoredCounterGroup.start(] Component type: SOURCE, name: SOURCE.ftp1 started
    2017-08-18 09:48:50,638 (PollableSourceRunner-Source-ftp1) [INFO - org.keedio.flume.source.ftp.source.Source.process(] Actual dir:  / files: 2
    2017-08-18 09:48:50,665 (PollableSourceRunner-Source-ftp1) [INFO - org.keedio.flume.source.ftp.source.Source.discoverElements(] Modified: file1.txt ,size: 60
    2017-08-18 09:48:50,672 (PollableSourceRunner-Source-ftp1) [INFO - org.keedio.flume.source.ftp.source.Source.discoverElements(] Processed:  file1.txt ,total files: 2
  10. Whether a recursive listing should be performed

    In config file, parameter = false (by default, this is true) specifies that a recursive search should not be performed in

  11. Wait for files to be finalized before reading

    This is useful when large files are being written to the source server, especially compressed files. To avoid reading them while they're still being written to, specify the parameter = false in config file. This must be accompanied by another parameter -, which is specified in seconds. To determine if a file is still being written to, the Flume agent will check the file's last modified timestamp. If the file was modified within search.processInUseTimeout seconds ago, it will be considered as still being written to. A value of 30 is usually sufficiently conservative.

    INFO	Source
    File testfile.csv.gz is still being written. Will skip for now and re-read when write is completed.
    INFO	Source
    Actual dir:  /home/mydir files: 24
    INFO	Source
    Discovered: testfile.csv.gz ,size: 5441264
    INFO	HDFSDataStream
    Serializer = TEXT, UseRawLocalFileSystem = false
  12. Decompress source files on the fly

    In many cases, source files might be present in a compressed format using a codec such as GZIP. Reading such files in chunks or lines may not be useful. To decompress such files on the fly, provide the parameter agent.sources.sftp1.compressed in the config file, with its value as the name of the compression codec used (e.g., agent.sources.sftp1.compressed = gzip). This will cause the Flume agent to read and decompress the source files on the fly and make the decompressed data available in the specified channel.

    INFO	Source
    Discovered: testfile.csv.gz ,size: 5441264
    INFO	Source
    File testfile.csv.gz is GZIP compressed, and decompression has been requested by user. Will attempt to decompress.
    INFO	HDFSDataStream
    Serializer = TEXT, UseRawLocalFileSystem = false

Mandatory Parameters for flume

###### Example configuration for FTP source

  agent.sources.ftp1.type = org.keedio.flume.source.ftp.source.Source
  agent.sources.ftp1.client.source = ftp =
  agent.sources.ftp1.user = username
  agent.sources.ftp1.password = password
  agent.sources.ftp1.port = 21

###### Example configuration for FTPS source

  agent.sources.ftps1.type = org.keedio.flume.source.ftp.source.Source
  agent.sources.ftps1.client.source = ftps =
  agent.sources.ftps1.user = username
  agent.sources.ftps1.password = password
  agent.sources.ftps1.port = 21 = true = TLS = (false | true)  (if false the plugin will accept any
  certificate sent by the server, validated or not).
  agent.sources.ftps1.path.keystore = /paht/to/keystore = the_keyStore_password

###### Example configuration for SFTP source

  agent.sources.sftp1.type = org.keedio.flume.source.ftp.source.Source
  agent.sources.sftp1.client.source = sftp =
  agent.sources.sftp1.user = username
  agent.sources.sftp1.password = password
  agent.sources.sftp1.port = 22

  agent.sources.sftp1.strictHostKeyChecking = no // WARNING: for testing porposes only, default is yes
  agent.sources.sftp1.knownHosts = /home/<user launching flume>/.ssh/known_hosts

Optional Parameters for flume

Working directory for searching for files. is under root directory server returned by FTP server:

agent.soures.<fpt1 | ftps1 | sftp1> = [remote_directory]/directoryName

example 1: = /directory_flume_files

example 2: = /home/user/directory_flume_files
Discover delay, each configured milisecond directory will be explored.

If this parameter is omitted, default value will be set to 10000 ms.

agent.sources.<fpt1 | ftps1 | sftp1>
Force flume-ftp to proccess lines instead of chunk of bytes.If omitted: true.
agent.sources.<fpt1 | ftps1 | sftp1>.flushlines = (true | false)      
Force the size of events in bytes. I omitted, default is 1KB.

Customizing this option is intended for particular cases.

agent.sources.ftp1.chunk.size = 1024
File's name that keeps track of files and sizes processed.

If omitted, a default one will be created. = status-ftp1-file.ser
Directory where to keep the file track status. If omitted, will be used.
 agent.sources.ftp1.folder = /var/flume
Match specific files's name according Java Regex:

Java Regular Expressions for FTP, FTPS and SFTP protocols.

example 1:

 agent.sources.ftp1.filter.pattern = .+\\.csv ----> only process files ends with

example 2:

 agent.sources.sftp1.filter.pattern = flume_file.* ----> only process files starts with
For examples configs files, check:

example configurations

Mandatory parameters depending on the chosen source

m : stands for parameter is mandatory for above source

o : optional

x : not available

Parameter Description ftp ftps sftp
client.source type of source from where get data m m m
name.server hostname or ipaddress m m m
user username allowed to connect m m m
password usenames's pass m m m
port server's port to connect m m m
security.enabled cryptographic protocols x m x
security.cipher Auth SSL or TLS x m x
security.certificate.enabled accept or not server's certificate x o x
path.keystore folder to keep keystory x o x
knownHosts keys x x m custom directory to search for files o o x
folder directory where to keep track status files o o o
discover.delay polling time o o o
chunk.size for binary files size of event o o o file's name allocated in folder for track status o o o
flushlines true or false m m m
search.recursive true or false o o o
search.processInUse true or false o o o
search.processInUseTimeout time in seconds to determine busyness of files o o o
sftp1.compressed if source files are compressed, compression format o o o
filter.pattern Java Regular Expression o o o
strictHostKeyChecking Disable verifying public key of the SSH protocol (for testing only) x x o

Version history

  • 2.2.0
    • Improvement: Added configurable property - search.recursive - to search recursively
    • Improvement: Added configurable properties - search.processInUse and search.processInUseTimeout - to allow user to specify whether files being written to should or should not be processed
    • Improvement: Added configurable property - compressed - to let user specify a compression format. This enables decompression on-the-fly.
  • 2.1.1
    • Improvement: SFTP's filter.pattern parameter works now with Java Regex instead of Glob Pattern Wildcars.
    • Fix bug sftp source: if setting sftp.filter.pattern to some value, walking subdirectory recursiverly does no work properly.
    • 2.1.0
      • property filter.pattern for processing only the files which meet some criteria.
      • property for searching for files is now configurable.
  • 2.0.10
    • Flume core: upgrade to Apache Flume 1.7.0
    • Source: add file's name and path to event header
    • Jsch: upgrade Jsch to 0.1.54 for new host key type (ecdsa-sha2-nistp256)
    • Jsch: add configurable parameter for testing: strictHostKeyChecking.
  • 2.0.9 several fixes - check PRS
  • 2.0.8 fix on readme file.
  • 2.0.5 fixes minor bugs of 2.0.4.
  • 2.0.4 new package name convention, check for above examples.
  • 2.0.1 new configurable parameters in flume's context.
  • 2.0.0: sources integration.
  • 1.1.5: flush lines from SFTPSource.
  • 1.1.4-rev4: added support to proccess lines instead of chunk of bytes, (standard tailing).
  • 1.1.4-rev1, 1.1.4-rev2, 1.1.4-rev3: solved problem with SSL connections on servers behind fire-walls.




FTP network server is source of events for Apache-flume


Language:Java 100.0%