kedarbcs16 / SpeechToText

"Fork" of kronik / ZhiShi's iPhone-Speech-To-Text library to access Google's Speech for Chrome. Allows English, Spanish, Catalan, French and Russian

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"Fork" of kronik / ZhiShi's iPhone-Speech-To-Text library to access Google's Speech for Chrome that adds more languages and a non-GUI version.

#Locale ##Suported languages

  • kLANG_SPANISH @"es-ES"
  • kLANG_CATALAN @"ca-ES"
  • kLANG_FRENCH @"fr"
  • kLANG_ENGLISH @"en-US" (default language)

##Unsuported language You can use the non-GUI init for unsoported version using a language code from this list:

If you want to use the GUI inits with unsopported laguage, add the changes on both SpeechToTextModule .m and .h and recompile the library.


  • Add the folder "SpeechToText" to your Project.
  • Import SpeechToTextModule.h on your code

Add the following Frameworks:

  • AVFoundation.framework
  • AudioToolbox.framework


On your .h file:

Add UIGestureRecognizerDelegate to your @interface

#import "SpeechToTextModule.h"
@property (nonatomic, strong) SpeechToTextModule *speech;

On your .m file:

Initialize SpeechToTextModule:

self.speech  = [[SpeechToTextModule alloc] initWithLocale:kLANG_SPANISH];
[self.speech setDelegate:self];

For the non-GUI version you must use:

self.speech = [[SpeechToTextModule alloc] initWithNoGUIAndLocale:kLANG_SPANISH];
[self.speech setDelegate:self];

To start recording:

[self.speech beginRecording];

To end recording:

[self.speech stopRecording:YES];


- (void)didRecognizeResponse:(NSString *)recognizedText
    NSLog(@"%@", recognizedText);
- (void)speechStartRecording
- (void)speechStopRecording

See the demos for a live example of the library

#ToDo ##Wave form delegate A delegate with a wave's UIImage


"Fork" of kronik / ZhiShi's iPhone-Speech-To-Text library to access Google's Speech for Chrome. Allows English, Spanish, Catalan, French and Russian