kdask / puppet-mongodb

This module manages mongodb services. It provides the functions for sharding, mongod and mongos instances.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

MongoDB module

This module manages mongodb services. It provides the functions for mongod and mongos instances.

Works for

RHEL/CentOS 6+
Debian 6+
Ubuntu 10.04 and newer


Modules needed:

puppetlabs-stdlib ( https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-stdlib )
puppetlabs-apt ( https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-apt ) only for Debian/Ubuntu

Software versions needed:

facter > 1.6.2
puppet > 2.6.2


Starting mongod

mongod_instance = despription of mongd service (shard1, config, etc) (required)
mongod_bind_ip = listen ip (defaul; emtpy, so listen in all)
mongod_port = listen port (defaul; 27017)
mongod_replSet = Name of ReplSet (optional)
mongod_enable = Enable/Disable service at boot (default: true)
mongod_running = Start/Stop service (default: true)
mongod_configsvr = is config server true/false (default: false)
mongod_shardsvr = is shard server true/false (default: false)
mongod_logappend = Enable/Disable log file appending (default: true)
mongod_rest = Enable/Disable REST api (default: true)
mongod_fork = Enable/Disable fork of mongod process (default: true)
mongod_auth = Enable/Disable auth true/false (default: false)
mongod_useauth = Keyfile contents. Your random string/false (default: false)
mongod_monit = Use monit monitoring for mongod instances (default: false)
mongod_add_options = Array. Each field is "key" or "key=value" for parameters for config file

Starting mongos (mongo loadbalancer)

mongos_instance = despription of mongd service (shard1, config, etc) (required)
mongos_bind_ip = listen ip (defaul; emtpy, so listen in all)
mongos_port = listen port (defaul; 27017)
mongos_configServers = String with comma seperated list of config servers (optional)
mongos_enable = Enable/Disable service at boot (default: true)
mongos_running = Start/Stop service (default: true)
mongos_logappend = Enable/Disable log file appending (default: true)
mongos_fork = Enable/Disable fork of mongod process (default: true)
mongos_add_options = Array. Each field is "key" or "key=value" for parameters for config file

Sample Usage:

just a mongodb server with replSet

	node mongod.my.domain {
		include mongodb
		mongodb::mongod {
				mongod_instance    => 'mongodb1',
				mongod_replSet     => 'mongoShard1',
				mongod_add_options => ['fastsync','slowms = 50']

More complex building of mongo sharding cluster

4 nodes (3 of them config server) with 4 shards in replecation

	node mongo_sharding_default {

    	# Install MongoDB
    	include mongodb

    	# Install the MongoDB shard server
    	mongodb::mongod {'mongod_Shard1': mongod_instance => "Shard1", mongod_port => '27019', mongod_replSet => "Shard1", mongod_shardsvr => 'true' }
    	mongodb::mongod {'mongod_Shard2': mongod_instance => "Shard2", mongod_port => '27020', mongod_replSet => "Shard2", mongod_shardsvr => 'true' }
    	mongodb::mongod {'mongod_Shard3': mongod_instance => "Shard3", mongod_port => '27021', mongod_replSet => "Shard3", mongod_shardsvr => 'true' }
    	mongodb::mongod {'mongod_Shard4': mongod_instance => "Shard4", mongod_port => '27022', mongod_replSet => "Shard4", mongod_shardsvr => 'true' }

    	# Install the MongoDB Loadbalancer server
    	mongodb::mongos {
    			mongos_instance      => 'mongoproxy',
    			mongos_port          => 27017,
				  mongos_configServers => 'mongo1.my.domain:27018,mongo2.my.domain:27018,mongo3.my.domain:27018'

	node 'mongo1.my.domain',
		'mongo3.my.domain' inherits mongo_sharding_default {

		# Install the MongoDB config server
		include mongodb
		mongodb::mongod {
				mongod_instance  => 'profileConfig',
				mongod_port      => '27018',
				mongod_replSet   => '',
				mongod_configsvr => 'true'

	node 'mongo4.my.domain' inherits mongo_sharding_default { }


written by Daniel Werdermann dwerdermann@web.de


This module manages mongodb services. It provides the functions for sharding, mongod and mongos instances.
