kcliu / reason-workshop-2

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


1. Data structures

Create a data-structure for a chess figure with the following attributes: color, position, kind

  • The color can be either black / white
  • The position has 2 dimensions on a typical chess board
  • The kind describes the value of the figure (king, tower, pawn …)

Put your data-structures in action by storing 2 chess figures in a collection called figures:

  • Figure 1: Black, King, on position A1
  • Figure 2: White, Tower, on position C7

I recommend to use the playground for this example: https://reasonml.github.io/en/try

Alternative playground: https://sketch.sh/

Tip: You may use lists, arrays, tuples, variants for these tasks

2. Data structures II

Create a file Data.re and inside create a list of places with the following properties

  • id (generate uuids via https://www.uuidgenerator.net/)
  • name
  • description
  • image containing an url, attribution and attributionUrl (optional)
  • address
  • phone (optional)
  • email (optional)
  • coordinates containing lat and lng
