kcanjan2020 / Markdown_Cheat_Sheet


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Markdown cheat Sheet Tutorials

Table of Contents

Face of the text
Blockquote block of code
line Break
Bullet (Points \Lists)
Combined two things
Line breaks and page breaks
Links and Hyperlinks
Image and Figures with Links
Use code or code blocks
Adding Table\

Basic Markdown Syntax

1. Headings

Heading 1 =># Heading 1

Heading 2 =># Heading 2

Heading 3 =># Heading 3

Heading 4=># Heading 4

Heading 5=># Heading 5
Heading 6=># Heading 6

2. Face of The Text

Bold =>**Bold**

Italic =>*Italic*

Bold and Italic =>***Bold and Italic***

Or We can also use this symbol for text face _(underscore)=>

Bold =>__Bold__

Italic =>_Italic_

Bold and Italic =>___Bold and Italic___

3. Blockquote (Block of Code)

=>For Blockquote, we can use >

Blockquote paragraphs must have right-arrow bracket (>)`at the start of every single line.

Use a blank line for multiple paragraphs.

4. line Break

=> For line break, we can use Enter or \

This the first line of the paragraph This is the second line of the paragraph

This the first line of the paragraph

This is the second line of the paragraph

This the first line of the paragraph
This is the second line of the paragraph

5.Bullet Points/Lists

1. Unordered List

=> For unordered lists, we can use -or+or * symbols

  • Sunday
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
    • subList-1
    • subList-2
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
    • subList-1
    • subList-2

2. Ordered List (Numbering of List)

  1. Sunday
  2. Monday
  3. Tuesday
  4. Wednesday
  5. Thursday
  6. Friday
  7. Saturday

6. Combined Two Things

==> Block of code and Heading

Heading 2

This is first line of the blocks This is the second line of the blocks This is the third line of blocks

7. Line Breaks and Page breaks

This is Page 1

This is page 2

This is third page

8. Links and Hyperlinks



Click Here

9. Image and Figures with links



==>Online Picture Anjan

10. Use Code or Code Block

==> For code block, we can use ```pip install numpy ```

Add Two Number using JavaScript This code with show color according to JavaScript Language

let num1=10;
let num2-=20;
let sum=num1+num2

This code with show color according to HTML

    <title>Welcome to my page</title>
    <p>This is my personal web pages</p>

Add two number using c programming this code with shows color according to C Programming

int a=5;
int b=10;
int sum;

Inline Code

Install Python using: pip install python

11. Adding Table

Name Address Age Phone-Number
Anjan Rukum 26 9866904450
Anjan Rukum 26 9866904450
Anjan Rukum 26 9866904450


|:-----|=> Left Align

|:-------:|=>Center Align

|-----------:|=> Right Align




Language:HTML 100.0%