kburova / MapReduce

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Part 1.Generate stop words.

There are two programs to count words: mapper.py and reducer.py.

  • map_stop_words.py - read and filter input, handles all the punctuation and capitalization
  • reduce_stop_words.py - counts occurence of each word

Command to run these programs is:

hadoop jar /usr/local/hadoop-2.7.3/share/hadoop/tools/lib/hadoop-streaming-2.7.3.jar \
-files /users/username/map_stop_words.py,/users/username/reduce_stop_words.py \
-mapper map_stop_words.py -reducer reduce_stop_words.py \
-input /user/username/books/ \
-output /user/username/output

Result of reduction is saved into /user/username/output/part-00000 file on hdfs.

After we get a list of counts, we send it to stopwords.py on stdin and generate a list of stopwords called list.txt. It also outputs a threshold for word frequency. We currentely generate 100 stopwords.

kburova@resourcemanager:~$ python stopwords.py < part-00000 
Threashold:  1308

Part 2. Building the Inverted Index

The map and reduce programs for building the inverted index across documents are:

  • map.py - read each file, remove stop words, index words by document and line number
  • reduce.py - sorts the inverted index entries

Command to run these programs is:

hadoop jar /usr/local/hadoop-2.7.3/share/hadoop/tools/lib/hadoop-streaming-2.7.3.jar \
-files /users/username/map.py,/users/username/reduce.py,/users/username/stop_words.txt \
-mapper map.py -reducer reduce.py \
-input /user/username/books/ \
-output /user/username/output

Result of reduction is saved into /user/username/output/part-00000 file on hdfs. This is expected to overwrite the stop words list.

Part 3. Query the Inverted Index

The inverted index can then be queried with: python query.py /user/username/output/part-00000 The query program will then prompt the user for a word to look up in the inverted index and print the results to stdout.

Part 4. Spark Integration

The program to integrate the query system on Spark RDDs is in sparkWrapper.py. The program can be run by executing the /bin/pyspark executable and then importing sparkWrapper as a module. Thequery system can then be started by issuing sparkWrapper.start(spark).



Language:Python 100.0%