kbuika / React-WebAssembly

A simple React application that calls a Rust(WebAssembly) function

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A simple React application that calls a Rust(WebAssembly) function

  • WebAssembly is a new type of code that can be run in modern web browsers — it is a low-level assembly-like language with a compact binary format that runs with near-native performance and provides languages such as C/C++, C# and Rust with a compilation target so that they can run on the web. It is also designed to run alongside JavaScript, allowing both to work together.

For this application, I used Rust and targetted WebAssembly as an output. There are 2 ways to use Rust in WebAssembly

  1. Create an entire application using Yew (a Rust Framework)
  2. Add WebAssembly inside an already existing application - *This is what is happening here


  • Create a React App

npx create-react-app react-app

or if you have Vite

npm create vite and follow the steps

  • Inside your React App;
    • Create Rust library with cargo. cargo new wasm-lib --lib

    • Implement a Rust function that you want to call from JavaScript.

      Do this inside lib.rs.

    • Wrap the function with wasm-bindgen to export it as Wasm.

      wasm-bindgen is Rust library that facilitate high-level interactions between Wasm and JavaScript. For example, you can call Rust(Wasm) from JavaScript, and vice versa.

    • Build as Wasm library with wasm-pack.

      Add a build command to bundle the Rust lib into a package

      "build:wasm": "cd wasm-lib && wasm-pack build --target web --out-dir pkg",

    • Call the Wasm function from the React app.

      As seen in the App.tsx file

Running this project


  1. NodeJS
  2. Vite
  3. Rust
  • Clone the project

  • Run;

    npm install or yarn install

  • Run

    npm run build:wasm or yarn run build:wasm to create the Wasm Lib

  • To view the application

    npm run dev or yarn dev

Viola !!


A simple React application that calls a Rust(WebAssembly) function


Language:TypeScript 44.7%Language:CSS 36.5%Language:HTML 13.4%Language:Rust 5.5%