kbsanchez / inCollege-Team-Utah

InCollege Python application - CEN4020's Team Utah.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Software Engineering Final Project - Fall 2021


  • Deepak Putta
  • Jose Ramirez Fuentes
  • Jaason Raudales
  • Charles Read
  • Keylin Sanchez
  • Joseph Shatti

InCollege is a python-based command line utility that is designed to allow college students to create personal accounts, search and apply for jobs, and connect with other students, much like LinkedIn. The intention was to design a minimum viable product to spark interest of potential investors and get them to commit funding for future versions of the software.

This program was developed over a ten-week period, with stories and bugs tracked through Jira. Each week, members were assigned a new scrum role. Each contributer took on the role of scrum master, tester, and developer at different points in the development process. A branch protection rule was implemented for the main branch, which required each pull request to be reviewed by a minimum of two members before merging branches. This facilitated the collaboration process, by ensuring that all team members had any changes made to the code reviewed by others.

Application Structure

 |-- api-inputs/
 |-- api-outputs/
 |-- src/
 |  |-- db/
 |  |  |-- *** Table creation SQL script and python script ***
 |  |-- utils/
 |  |  |-- *** Handle interactions with the database ***
 |  |-- *** python files for each menu ***
 |-- test/
 |  |-- *** python files to test each menu ***
 |-- *** Database file ***

Application Features


Jacob had dreamed about working at Southwest Airlines for as long as he can remember. He applied and interviewed for internships and full-time jobs to no avail…

n - Create new account
l - Login
f - Find a friend
s - Play a video of success story
t - Training
i - InCollege Important Links
u - Usefull links
q - Quit

Please make a choice from the menu:

Student accounts

Please input a unique username and password
Username: Jose
First name: Jose
Last name: Ramirez
Password: **hidden**
Do you want to be a plus member? It will cost $10 each month (y/n) y

Username: Jose
Password: **hidden**

You have successfully logged in
Please don't forget to create a profile
Remember – you're going to want to have a job when you graduate. Make sure that you start to apply for jobs today!

1 - View/Edit Profile
2 - Job/Internship Search
3 - Find Someone You Know
4 - Messages
5 - Learn a New Skill
6 - InCollege Important links
7 - InCollege Learning
8 - Log Out

Please make a choice from the menu:


No profile setup

0 - Go back

1 - Edit profile

Select an option from the menu: 1

Enter title: Student
Enter major: Comp Sci
Enter university name: USF
Enter about: Ready to work!

1 - Add experience
2 - Add education
3 - Go back

Please make a choice from the menu:

Jose Ramirez
Title:         Student
Major:         Comp Sci
University:    USF
About:         Ready to work!


1 - Post a job
2 - Apply for a job
3 - Delete a job
4 - Go back

Please make a choice from the menu:



0 - Go back

1 - Jose
2 - Joseph
3 - Joshua
4 - Start new conversation

Select an option from the menu:

Conversation with Joshua

From you at 11/21/21 08:57:51 PM: Hi!
From Joshua at 11/21/21 08:57:51 PM: Hi back!

0 - Go back

1 - Write Message
2 - Delete Conversation

Select an option from the menu:

Important Links

InCollege Important Links

0 - Go back

1 - About
2 - Copyright Notice
3 - Accessibility
4 - User Agreement
5 - Privacy Policy
6 - Cookie Policy
7 - Copyright Policy
8 - Brand Policy
9 - Languages

Select an option from the menu:


1 - Networking
2 - Time Management
3 - Public Speaking
4 - Agile and Scrum
5 - Leadership
6 - Go Back

Please make a choice from the menu:

InCollege Learning

InCollege Learning

0 - Go back

1 - (Completed) How to use In College learning
2 - (Not Completed) Train the trainer
3 - (Not Completed) Gamification of learning
4 - (Not Completed) Understanding the Architectural Design Process
5 - (Not Completed) Project Management Simplified
6 - (Not Completed) How to use In College learning

Select an option from the menu:


InCollege Python application - CEN4020's Team Utah.


Language:Python 100.0%