kbighorse / working-with-me

Brief overview of what I'm all about as a coworker, manager, and employee. Feedback welcome!

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Working With Me

Hello and welcome to my personal README! Obviously we'll get to know each other better over time, but I hope this can be a good starting point. :)

About this Doc

  • I believe this could be useful for anyone who's my coworker, client, manager, or direct report.
  • This content applies only to me.
  • I like to provide this info so I can be held accountable. If you ever see a discrepancy between what's here and my behavior, please tell me.
  • If you work with me, you intentionally have edit rights to this document. Please feel free to open a pull request to make changes!

Who Am I?

I've been a professional software developer for over six years (my technical abilities are below). I'm based in Chicago, Illinois in the Central time zone. My pronouns are she/her. 18F is my first public sector job. My previous job was in e-commerce. I started here September of 2020.

My main career goal is to do work and develop relationships that are meaningful, interesting, and impactful. In order to do this, I want to build a strong foundation of knowledge that goes beyond specific technical frameworks or trends. I also want to get to know a lot of people across all disciplines (especially ones that aren't mine).

One of my goals is to become a better communicator. I like having the opportunity to write things like documentation, blog posts, and other public material. I'd like to do more talks and presentations.

Outside of work, I like reading, writing, cooking, learning new languages, and moseying along Chicago's lakefront. This year I tried birding for the first time and really enjoyed it. You'll notice these are all solo activities because I'm a textbook introvert who gains energy from stuff like this. But I also love talking to people, especially when we can get into meaty discussions about something we both care about.


I prefer to err on the side of overcommunication, especially for remote work.

Despite working with computers for a living, I'm actually not the best typist, so I prefer verbal convos over typed ones. That said, never hesitate to DM me, and never feel like you're "bothering" me by sending me a message. Your success, my success, and our organization's success depends on talking to each other frequently and openly.

In order to get some heads-down time during the day, I respond to email a few designated times per day. If it's urgent and we're in the office, let's talk in person. Working remotely, video chat or phonecall is best.

If I'm working on something and would like your input, I will often comment or chat you (even if we're nearby). I try to do that so that things are documented for the future and so that you can finish what you're doing first.

In tense situations, like fixing an urgent bug or deploying a major release, I prefer to stay calm because it helps me do my best work. I'm a socially-reserved and relatively unemotive person by nature. In the past, some have interpreted this as shyness, timidity, boredom, or lack of enthusiasm. I promise you I'm none of these things! I don't say this as an excuse to seem standoffish or rude. If I ever come off this way, please tell me.

I'm always up for a "coffee" to just chat, no agenda needed. Feel free to grab any time on my calendar to do so :)


The frameworks I know best are Ruby on Rails, React.js, and their most common related packages. Most of my professional experience is in relational databases like PostgreSQL or MySQL. I'm comfortable writing raw SQL and actually enjoy it.

I've ping-ponged back and forth between Ruby and Javascript projects pretty much my whole career. As a result, my Ruby writing feels a little Javascript-y and my Javascript feels a little Ruby-ish. I use linters and formatters in both worlds to prevent this from being a problem.

You can lean on me to:

  • brainstorm data modeling and architecture decisions
  • tease out a hairy SQL query
  • think through tech implications of a design/UX decision, and vice versa
  • build an API that both clients and humans can understand
  • write blog posts
  • figure out how to properly test a feature
  • lead retrospectives and other meetings

My growth areas are:

  • front-end performance enhancement and monitoring
  • system administration / Dev Ops
  • using Docker in non-trivial ways
  • Graphql
  • public speaking


First off, thank you for giving me the opportunity to learn about myself and improve.

I know giving and receiving feedback can be really hard to do well, but I believe successful teams are ones who are unafraid and eager to talk openly.

To me, the best feedback is measured, specific, and actionable. I also think good feedback is aimed at external behavior over innate qualities ("you did this" as opposed to "you are this").

In line with my regular communication style, I like doing feedback verbally, because it's hard to pick up on tone in a typed message.

If possible, I prefer receiving feedback retroactively instead of in the moment. I find it a bit difficult to process feedback while trying to do something else. That said, I'd much rather have you tell me something than not tell me.

I will aim to give feedback in your preferred method. I also try to remember that praise is just as important as critical feedback.

Other Stuff

I'm slowly learning Spanish and ASL, but I'm not very good at either :/

If you've read a book, seen a movie, or listened to a good podcast lately, I want to hear about it!

If you've traveled to a cool place lately (once we can travel again), I want to hear about it!


Brief overview of what I'm all about as a coworker, manager, and employee. Feedback welcome!