kazupon / vue-i18n-extract

Manage vue-i18n localization with static analysis

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vue-i18n-extract is built to work with your Vue.js projects using vue-i18n. When run vue-18n-extract analyses your Vue.js source code for any vue-i18n key usages (ex. $t(''), $tc(''), ...) as well as your language files (ex. de_DE.js, en_EN.json, ...), in order to:

  • I18NReport keys that are missing in the language files.
  • I18NReport unused keys in the language files.

🚀 Getting Started

Install vue-i18n-extract using Yarn

yarn add --dev vue-i18n-extract


npm install --save-dev vue-i18n-extract

Note: vue-i18n-extract documentation uses yarn commands, but npm will also work. You can compare yarn and npm commands in the yarn docs, here.

Add the following section to your package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "vue-i18n-extract": "vue-i18n-extract"

Finally, run:

yarn vue-i18n-extract report -v './path/to/your/vue-files/**/*.?(js|vue)' -l './path/to/your/language-files/*.?(js|json)'

This will print out a table of missing keys in your language files, as well as unused keys in your language files.

Running from command line

You can run vue-i18n-extract directly from the CLI if you have install it globally

yarn global add vue-i18n-extract

From anywhere you can now run:

vue-i18n-extract report -v './path/to/your/vue-files/**/*.?(js|vue)' -l './path/to/your/language-files/*.?(js|json)'

Outputting report to file

To generate a json file of missing and unused keys use the -output or -o argument with the desired path to the file.

vue-i18n-extract report -v './path/to/your/vue-files/**/*.?(js|vue)' -l './path/to/your/language-files/*.?(js|json)' -o output.json

Usage in NodeJS

Make sure you have vue-i18n-extract installed locally and then just import

const VueI18NExtract = require('vue-i18n-extract').default;

const report = VueI18NExtract.createI18NReport('./path/to/vue-files/**/*.?(js|vue)', './path/to/language-files/*.?(js|json)');

Note: vue-i18n-extract has Typescript typings built in! 🎉

🔑 Supported keys

  • Static in template or script:
$t('key.static') $t("key.static") $t(`key.static`) // Single or double quote, and template literals
t('key.static') t("key.static") t(`key.static`) // Without dollar sign

$tc('key.static', 0) $tc("key.static", 1) $tc(`key.static`, 2) // $tc Support for use with plurals
tc('key.static', 0) tc("key.static", 1) tc(`key.static`, 2) // Without dollar sign
  • i18n component:
<i18n path="key.component"></i18n>

Note: As of right now there is no support for binding in path like :path="condition ? 'string1' : 'string2'" there is just support strings as shown above.

  • v-t directive with string literal:
<p v-t="'key.directive'"></p>

Note: As of right now there is no object support to reference that path from component data

Demo & Tests

Clone this git repository:

git clone git@github.com:pixari/vue-i18n-extract.git

Install dependencies:


Compile typescript:

yarn build

Then run the demo:

yarn demo

This will use the data in the demo folder to generate a report.

To run tests:

yarn test

❔ Why?

I'm a big fan of vue-i18n. It's the best and most used internationalization plugin for Vue.js

Setting up a Vue.js website with internationalization (i18n) support it easy nowadays: Once you have installed the plugin and injected into the Vue instance, you can just put ‘{{ $t(‘Hello World’) }}‘ inside Vue.js component templates to use the plugin. However, in my personal experience I found it very difficult to keep the language files and the placeholders in the .vue files in sync.

That's why I wrote vue-i18n-extract; I needed a way to analyze and compare my language files to my Vue.js source files, then report the result in a useful way.

✅ To-Do

  • Write test
  • I18NReport unused keys in the language files
  • Add "static (without $)" support
  • Add template string support

❗ Issues

I'm sure you'll find bugs and when you do it would be great if you'd could report them here.

💪 Contribution

The project is still in its early stages and in progress. I think there's no need for guidelines yet, so feel free to contribute or give feedback as you prefer.

©️ License



Manage vue-i18n localization with static analysis

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 94.2%Language:JavaScript 3.8%Language:Vue 2.0%