kayleigh324 / react-task-tracker

Task Tracker app built using React

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Task Tracker app built using React

I've been praticising developing my React skills, whilst mainly working on the front end and design in my current role, which is mainly based on Wordpress, HTML and CSS, with some Bootstrap and JS. My ideal next job role would be using React and JavaScript.

I've been making the most of my spare time to develop my React skills, creating components and practising using state and props.

Live version of this app is available here.. https://kayleigh324.github.io/react-task-tracker/

I made this live using these commands..

Make sure you have already created a repo in github. In "package.json" file of project add - "homepage": "https://kayleigh324.github.io/react-task-tracker/" Run Install - "npm add gh-pages" In "package.json/scripts" add "predeploy":"npm run build", "deploy":"gh-pages -d build" Run "npm run build" to create the build To push in git use following steps:

  1. git init
  2. git add -A
  3. git commmit -m "first commit"
  4. git remote add origin https://github.com/username/reponame.git
  5. git push -u origin master Now in github repo create a new branch "gh-pages" In settings -> github pages -> source -> branch -> gh-pages -> save Run "npm run deploy""


Task Tracker app built using React