kavya498 / terraform-ibm-cos

Terraform modules to create and work with IBM Cloud Object Storage resources

Home Page:https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/terraform?topic=terraform-object-storage-resources#cos-bucket

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IBM COS Bucket Terraform Module

This is a collection of modules that make it easier to provision a cloud object stoarge on IBM Cloud Platform:

  • instance
  • bucket


This module is meant for use with Terraform 0.13 (and higher).


Full examples are in the examples folder, but basic usage is as follows for creation of COS instance:

provider "ibm" {

data "ibm_resource_group" "cos_group" {
  name = var.resource_group

module "cos" {
  // Uncommnet the following line to point the source to registry level
  //source = "terraform-ibm-modules/cos/ibm//modules/instance"

  source = "../../modules/instance"
  bind_resource_key = var.bind_resource_key
  service_name      = var.service_name
  resource_group_id = data.ibm_resource_group.cos_group.id
  plan              = var.plan
  region            = var.region
  service_endpoints = var.service_endpoints
  parameters        = var.parameters
  tags              = var.tags
  create_timeout    = var.create_timeout
  update_timeout    = var.update_timeout
  delete_timeout    = var.delete_timeout
  resource_key_name = var.resource_key_name
  role              = var.role
  key_tags          = var.key_tags
  key_parameters    = var.key_parameters

Creation of cloud object storage bucket:

provider "ibm" {
  region = var.location

data "ibm_resource_group" "group" {
  name = var.resource_group
data "ibm_resource_instance" "logdna_instance" {
  name              = var.logdna_instance_name
  location          = var.location
  resource_group_id = data.ibm_resource_group.group.id
  service           = "logdna"

data "ibm_resource_instance" "at_instance" {
  name              = var.at_instance_name
  location          = var.location
  resource_group_id = data.ibm_resource_group.group.id
  service           = "logdnaat"

locals {

  logdna-bucket   = "${data.ibm_resource_instance.logdna_instance.name}-cos-bucket"
  at-bucket       = "${data.ibm_resource_instance.at_instance.name}-cos-bucket"
  logdna_crn      = var.logdna_crn == "" ? data.ibm_resource_instance.logdna_instance.id : var.logdna_crn
  at_crn          = var.activity_tracker_crn == "" ? data.ibm_resource_instance.at_instance.id : var.activity_tracker_crn
  archive_rule_id = "bucket-archive-rule-${data.ibm_resource_instance.logdna_instance.name}"
  expire_rule_id  = "bucket-expire-rule-${data.ibm_resource_instance.at_instance.name}"
  bucket_list     = [local.logdna-bucket, local.at-bucket]
  crn_list        = [local.logdna_crn, local.at_crn]

module "cos" {
  // Uncommnet the following line to point the source to registry level
  //source                 = "terraform-ibm-modules/cos/ibm//modules/instance"

  source                 = "../../modules/instance"
  provision_cos_instance = true
  service_name           = var.cos_instance_name
  resource_group_id      = data.ibm_resource_group.group.id
  plan                   = var.cos_plan
  region                 = var.cos_location

module "cos_bucket" {

  // Uncommnet the following line to point the source to registry level
  //source               = "terraform-ibm-modules/cos/ibm//modules/bucket"

  source               = "../../modules/bucket"
  count                = length(local.bucket_list)
  bucket_name          = local.bucket_list[count.index]
  cos_instance_id      = module.cos.cos_instance_id
  location             = var.location
  storage_class        = var.storage_class
  force_delete         = var.force_delete
  endpoint_type        = var.endpoint_type
  activity_tracker_crn = local.crn_list[count.index]
  archive_rule = {
    rule_id = local.archive_rule_id
    enable  = true
    days    = 0
    type    = "GLACIER"
  expire_rules = [{
    rule_id = local.expire_rule_id
    enable  = true
    days    = 365
    prefix  = "logs/"


Terraform plugins



Be sure you have the correct Terraform version (0.13), you can choose the binary here:

Terraform plugins

Be sure you have the compiled plugins on $HOME/.terraform.d/plugins/

Pre-commit hooks

Run the following command to execute the pre-commit hooks defined in .pre-commit-config.yaml file

pre-commit run -a

You can install pre-coomit tool using

pip install pre-commit


pip3 install pre-commit

How to input varaible values through a file

To review the plan for the configuration defined (no resources actually provisioned)

terraform plan -var-file=./input.tfvars

To execute and start building the configuration defined in the plan (provisions resources)

terraform apply -var-file=./input.tfvars

To destroy the VPC and all related resources

terraform destroy -var-file=./input.tfvars


All optional parameters, by default, will be set to null in respective example's varaible.tf file. You can also override these optional parameters.


Terraform modules to create and work with IBM Cloud Object Storage resources


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:HCL 77.5%Language:Go 22.5%