kauppie / sliceutils

SliceUtils provides several high-level functions for interacting with slices while increasing code readability.

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SliceUtils | Slice Utility Functions

CI status Go Report Card codecov MIT

This library implements several high-level functions useful for interacting with slices. It reduces boilerplate required by for-loops and variable initializations.

Library takes advantage of Go generics increasing usability by compile-time type-safety. Go version of at least 1.18 is therefore required.


Below are few examples on how this library can make your code more concise and less error-prone.

Map strings to their lengths

var strings []string

// Replace
lens := make([]int, 0)
for _, s := range strings {
  lens = append(lens, len(s))

// With
lens := Map(strings, func(s string) int { return len(s) })

Get positive numbers from a slice

var nums []int

// Replace
pos := make([]int, 0)
for _, n := range nums {
  if n > 0 {
    pos = append(pos, n)

// With
pos := Filter(nums, func(n int) bool { return n > 0 })

Flatten slice

var slices [][]int

// Replace
flat := make([]int, 0)
for _, slice := range slices {
  flat = append(flat, slice...)

// With
flat := Flatten(slices)

Deduplicate slice

var slice []int

// Replace
uniques := make(map[int]struct{})
dedup := make([]int, 0)
for _, val := range slice {
  if _, ok := uniques[val]; !ok {
    dedup = append(dedup, val)
    uniques[val] = struct{}{}

// With
dedup := Deduplicate(slice)

List of functions

>> All

Returns true if all slice elements are evaluated true with given argument function.

>> Any

Returns true if any slice element is evaluated true with given argument function.

>> AreDisjoint

Returns true if two slice sets do not have common elements.

>> Contains

Returns true if slice contains given element.

>> Count

Counts the number of elements in a slice for which the argument function returns true.

>> Deduplicate

Removes duplicate elements from a slice creating a new slice.

>> DeduplicateInPlace

Removes duplicate elements from a slice in place.

>> Difference

Calculates a difference set between two slice sets.

>> Filter

Creates a slice which contains slice elements for which the argument function returns true.

>> FilterInPlace

Retains elements in a slice for which the argument function returns true. Modifies the original slice and therefore does not allocate.

>> FilterMap

Filters and maps slice elements to new slice. See Filter and Map for more details. This function exists to allow better performance than using Filter and Map separately.

>> FindBy

Searches to find element's index in a slice for which the argument function returns true.

>> Flatten

Converts a N-dimensional slice into a N-1 -dimensional slice.

>> Fold

Folds a slice into a single value. Other name for such a function is reduce.

It starts with a initial value and updates it iteratively using the argument function and slice's elements to accumulate the final result.

>> Frequencies

Counts the number of occurrences for each element. Requires slice elements to be comparable.

>> Generate

Generates a slice of the given length. Slice elements are generated using the provided argument function.

>> Intersection

Calculates a intersection set between two slice sets.

>> IsSet

Returns true for slices that are sets i.e. contain only unique elements. Requires slice elements to be comparable.

>> IsSortedBy

Returns true for slices whose elements are sorted according to passed argument function.

>> IsSubSet

Returns true if first slice set is a subset of the second slice set.

>> IsSuperSet

Returns true if first slice set is a superset of the second slice set.

>> Join

Joins one or more slices together. Similar to Flatten but uses variadic arguments instead.

>> Map

Maps each element through argument function which can modify their type and/or value.

>> MapInPlace

Maps each slice element to a new value of the same type with provided mapping function. Does the operation in place modifying the original slice.

>> MaxBy

Returns the maximum element value in a slice using provided comparison function.

>> MinBy

Returns the minimum element value in a slice using provided comparison function.

>> Partition

Partitions slice elements into two separate slices by argument function's boolean return value.

>> PartitionInPlace

Partitions a slice in place so that the first partition contains elements for which the argument function return true, and the second partition contains elements that the function returns false for.

>> Reverse

Creates a slice where the order of elements are reversed.

>> ReverseInPlace

Reverses the order of elements in a slice.

>> SymmetricDifference

Calculates a symmetric difference set from two slice sets.

>> Union

Calculates a union set from two slice sets.

List of parallel functions

>> ParMap

Maps each element through argument function which can modify their type and/or value. Evenly distributes the mapping operation to multiple goroutines. The number of used goroutines is equal to the available number of logical processors.


Currently all the functions have at most O(n * m) time complexity, where n is length of the argument slice and m is time complexity of the argument function. Functions without argument functions have time complexity of at most O(n).

Performance over traditional for-loops is not yet tested.


SliceUtils provides several high-level functions for interacting with slices while increasing code readability.

License:MIT License


Language:Go 100.0%