kateinoigakukun / wasminspect

An interactive debugger for WebAssembly

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hit the end of input

ggreif opened this issue · comments

[nix-shell:~/wasminspect]$ cargo run -- ../motoko/fib-wasm.mo.wasm
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.10s
     Running `target/debug/wasminspect ../motoko/fib-wasm.mo.wasm`
Hit the end of input before it was expected

I have this file

We emit DWARF-5, maybe that is the reason?

I tried to bump gimli in #17, but that didn't help. Anyhow, gimli should shield you from the actual DWARF format used.

[nix-shell:~/wasminspect]$ wasmtime ../motoko/fib-wasm.mo.wasm

works for my binary, so I doubt I do something seriously wrong with my code emission.

Similarly, bumping wasmparser in #18 didn't work :-(

Thanks for your report. Could you try this branch #19 ?

wasminspect forgot to parse some dwarf sections and it causes this problem. Now I updated to parse those sections and the binary got to be debuggable on my environment.

BTW I didn't know that motoko language. It seems interesting 😮

Thanks for the fix! It parses now:

(wasminspect) breakpoint set fib
(wasminspect) run

But misses the breakpoint :-(

BTW I didn't know that motoko language. It seems interesting 😮
