kateinoigakukun / wasminspect

An interactive debugger for WebAssembly

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Wasminspect: An Interactive Debugger for WebAssembly

Wasminspect is an interactive debugger for WebAssembly like lldb. It can be used for WebAssembly code and WASI applications also.



Let's try to debug your WebAssembly binary!


  • Full WASI supports
  • Breakpoints
  • Process control
    • step-in, step-over and step-out
  • Dump memory space
  • Parse and evaluate DWARF debug information
  • more detail

Swift Extension

wasminspect support some Swift specific features. To enable these features, please build on your machine because it requires swift runtime library.

On macOS:

$ export SWIFT_RUNTIME_LIB_DIR=$(xcrun -show-sdk-path)/usr/lib/swift
$ cargo build --features swift-extension

On Linux:

$ export SWIFT_RUNTIME_LIB_DIR=/path/to/lib/swift/linux # e.g. $HOME/.swiftenv/versions/5.2-RELEASE/usr/lib/swift/linux
$ RUSTFLAGS="-C link-args=-Wl,-rpath,$SWIFT_RUNTIME_LIB_DIR" cargo +nightly build --features swift-extension


An interactive debugger for WebAssembly

License:MIT License


Language:Rust 99.0%Language:Makefile 0.5%Language:WebAssembly 0.3%Language:Nix 0.1%Language:C 0.1%