katbow / FAC8day1

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

FAC8 day 1 task


Our friend and FAC5 alumnus @jackpandas is a smart guy - we call him Dr Jack, but his students call him Dr McDonald. Or just Jack.

Anyway, as smart as Jack is, he's pretty crap at writing the JavaScripts - and he needs our help. He's created a little web app to help him keep track of his workouts, but the problem is that if you look at his code you might throw up or get turned instantly to stone.

Your mission, in your new teams, is to take Jack's best efforts at coding and turn it into something that doesn't make you sick.


We want you to get used to working in teams and using GitHub, so this is a gentle intro to get you in the mood for the afternoon, when you will be designing, coding, and presenting your very first app.


  • Fork this repo into your team organisation, then clone the repo (see here for a refresher if you've forgotten how to do that)
  • Split into pairs and have a quick ways of working chat (5 mins)
  • Working together and constantly communicating, split the html, css, and js from crapper-Jack.html
  • First each pair should create a git branch for the bit they're working on
  • Then make your fixes
  • Then push your new files up to github using git push origin <branchName>
  • Then create a pull request and ask the other pair to merge it - DO NOT COMMIT DIRECTLY TO THE MASTER BRANCH OR AN ANGEL WILL DIE
  • Once both pairs have had their fixes merged, you're done



Language:HTML 100.0%