Katarina Rosiak's repositories
Launch School Core Curriculum exercises and assignments
Airline Routes is a React application that allows to filter and displays information about a collection of routes flown by several large airlines.
The Alien Invasion Game is a project written in Python made following the tutorial in 'Python Crash Course, 2nd Edition: A Hands-On, Project-Based Introduction to Programming' book.
Contact Manager is a CRUD application for managing contacts build with MVC architecture pattern. It uses vanilla JavaScript and XMLHttpRequest for AJAX requests, Handlebars as a templating engine and Express.js as a back-end.
A simple web application written in JavaScript and Express.js framewrok. The exercise is a part of the Launch School Core Curriculum.
Expenses is a small command line application that uses a PostgreSQL database to store data about expenses. The program runs from the command line.
A set of coding problems and exercises for Golang programming language
Google Landing Page: A simple clone of Google landing page written in CSS and HTML. The exercise aimed to practice CSS and HTML.
Exercises from a preparation part of the Launch School Curriculum
Just My Type is a typing game aiming to practice touch typing. Written in JavaSCript, HTML and CSS. Exercise as a part of the Covalence Bootcamp curriculum.
Here's the source code for my website, written in vanilla HTML and CSS.
Repo for student-led social events for the Launch School community
Launch School Burger Restaurant is a web application made to practice server-side programming with Express.js. This is an extra exercise made during studying at Launch School Core Curriculum. It was also used to lead a pair-coding exercise with a group of students at the SPOT. (Made with no CSS.)
Written in JavaScript (React), CSS, and HTML.
Exercises to practice problem solving skills and fundamentals of Python.
The Rock View Point Website. Written in JavaScript, HTML, CSS and Bootstrap.
A Requestbin clone that collects, inspects and debugs HTTP requests and webhooks.
A Requestbin clone that collects, inspects and debugs HTTP requests and webhooks.
Application that helps you to test your knowledge of client-site JavaScript, including DOM maniupulation, APIs, AJAX and asynchronous programming. It's using Notion API for fetching questions.
To-Do List Application is written in node.js. The exercise is a part of the Launch School Core Curriculum. It's using Express.js, PUG as a templating engine, express-validator for validation inputs, express-sessions for session persistance, connect-loki for storage, flash - for error flash messages.
A To-do list is a simple project written in node.js as a part of the Launch School Core Curriculum.
A set of exercises, problems and small projects practicing TypeScript with Express.js and React.