kasuken / ChatGptNet

A ChatGPT integration library for .NET

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ChatGPT for .NET

Lint Code Base CodeQL NuGet Nuget License: MIT

A ChatGPT integration library for .NET


The library is available on NuGet. Just search for ChatGptNet in the Package Manager GUI or run the following command in the .NET CLI:

dotnet add package ChatGptNet


Register ChatGPT service at application startup:

builder.Services.AddChatGpt(options =>
    options.ApiKey = "";
    options.Organization = null;    // Optional
    options.DefaultModel = ChatGptModels.Gpt35Turbo;  // Default: ChatGptModels.Gpt35Turbo
    options.MessageLimit = 16;  // Default: 10
    options.MessageExpiration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);    // Default: 1 hour

The API Key can be obtained in the User settings page of your OpenAI account. For users who belong to multiple organizations, you can also specify which organization is used. Usage from these API requests will count against the specified organization's subscription quota.

With the DefaultModel property, you can specify the default model that will be used for chat completion, unless you pass an explicit value in the AskAsync method.

Note The ChatGptModels.Gpt4 model is currently in a limited beta and only accessible to those who have been granted access. You can find more information in the models documentation page of the OpenAI site.

ChatGPT is aimed to support conversational scenarios: user can talk to ChatGPT without specifying the full context for every interaction. However, conversation history isn't managed by OpenAI, so it's up to us to retain the current state. ChatGptNet handles this requirement using a MemoryCache that stores messages for each conversation. The behavior can be set using the following properties:

  • MessageLimit: specifies how many messages for each conversation must be saved. When this limit is reached, oldest messages are automatically removed.
  • MessageExpiration: specifies the time interval used to maintain messages in cache, regardless their count.

The AddChatGpt method has an overload that accepts an IServiceProvider as argument. It can be used, for example, if we're in a Web API and we need to support scenarios in which every user has a different API key that can be retrieved accessing a database via Dependency Injection.


The library can be used in any .NET application built with .NET 6.0 or later. For example, we can create a Minimal API in this way:

app.MapPost("/api/chat/ask", async (Request request, IChatGptClient chatGptClient) =>
    var response = await chatGptClient.AskAsync(request.ConversationId, request.Message);
    return TypedResults.Ok(response);

// ...

public record class Request(Guid ConversationId, string Message);

If we just want to retrieve the response message, we can call the GetMessage method:

var message = response.GetMessage();

Handling a conversation

The AskAsync method has an overload (the one shown in the example above) that requires a conversationId parameter. If we pass an empty value, a random one is generated and returned. We can pass this value in subsequent invocations of AskAsync so that the library automatically retrieves previous messages of the current conversation (according to MessageLimit and MessageExpiration settings) and send them to chat completion API.

Response streaming

Chat completion API supports response streaming. When using this feature, partial message deltas will be sent, like in ChatGPT. Tokens will be sent as data-only server-sent events as they become available. ChatGptNet provides response streaming using the AskStreamAsync method:

// Requests a streaming response.
var responseStream = chatGptClient.AskStreamAsync(conversationId, message);

await foreach (var response in responseStream)
    await Task.Delay(80);

Response streaming works by returning an IAsyncEnumerable, so it can be used even in a Web API project:

app.MapGet("/api/chat/stream", (Guid? conversationId, string message, IChatGptClient chatGptClient) =>
    async IAsyncEnumerable<string> Stream()
        // Requests a streaming response.
        var responseStream = chatGptClient.AskStreamAsync(conversationId.GetValueOrDefault(), message);

        // Uses the "AsDeltas" extension method to retrieve partial message deltas only.
        await foreach (var delta in responseStream.AsDeltas())
            yield return delta;
            await Task.Delay(50);

    return Stream();

Changing the assistant's behavior

ChatGPT supports messages with the system role to influence how the assistant should behave. For example, we can tell to ChatGPT something like that:

  • You are an helpful assistant
  • Answer like Shakespeare
  • Give me only wrong answers
  • Answer in rhyme

ChatGptNet provides this feature using the SetupAsync method:

var conversationId await = chatGptClient.SetupAsync("Answer in rhyme");

If we use the same conversationId when calling AskAsync, then the system message will be automatically sent along with every request, so that the assistant will know how to behave.

Note The system message does not count for messages limit number.

Deleting a conversation

Conversation history is automatically deleted when expiration time (specified by MessageExpiration property) is reached. However, if necessary it is possible to immediately clear the history:

await chatGptClient.DeleteConversationAsync(conversationId);


The project is constantly evolving. Contributions are welcome. Feel free to file issues and pull requests on the repo and we'll address them as we can.


A ChatGPT integration library for .NET

License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%