kasper-f / gitlab-plugin

This plugin emulates Jenkins as a Gitlab CI Web Service

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This plugin emulates Jenkins as a GitlabCI Web Service to be used with GitlabHQ.

Build Status Gitter chat

Current Supported GitLabCI Functions

  • /project/PROJECT_NAME/builds/COMMIT_SHA1/status.json (used for Merge Request pages) returns build result for Merge Request build with COMMIT_SHA1 as last commit
  • /project/PROJECT_NAME/builds/status.png?ref=BRANCH_NAME returns build status icon for latest build for BRANCH_NAME
  • /project/PROJECT_NAME/builds/status.png?sha1=COMMIT_SHA1 returns build status icon for latest build for COMMIT_SHA1 as last commit
  • /project/PROJECT_NAME/builds/COMMIT_SHA1 redirects to build page of the last build containing COMMIT_SHA1 as last commit
  • /project/PROJECT_NAME/commits/COMMIT_SHA1 redirects to build page of the last build containing COMMIT_SHA1 as last commit
  • /project/PROJECT_NAME?ref=BRANCH_NAME redirects to build page of the last build for BRANCH_NAME
  • /project/PROJECT_NAME triggers a build, type (Merge Request or Push) depending on payload

Major Help Needed

I would like this project to be able to handle building merge requests and regular pushes. In order to do this I need a way to configure the git plugin via code to merge two branches together before a build. Much like the RevisionParameterAction.java in the git plugin, we need a class that takes to branches, a source and a target, and can be passed as a build action. I have started an issue for the Git plugin here: https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-23362 If you know of a way to do this please PM on twitter at @bass_rock. All the other necessary code exists in this repo and works.

Configuring access to Gitlab

Optionally, the plugin communicates with the Gitlab server in order to fetch additional information. At this moment, this information is limited to fetching the source project of a Merge Request, in order to support merging from forked repositories.

To enable this functionality, a user should be set up on Gitlab, which adequate permissions to access the repository. On the global configuration screen, supply the gitlab host url http://your.gitlab.server and the API token of the user of choice.

Using it With A Job

  • Create a new job by going to New Job
  • Set the Project Name
  • Feel free to specify the GitHub Project url as the url for the Gitlab project (if you have the GitHub plugin installed)
  • In the Source Code Management section:
    • Click Git and enter your Repository URL and in Advanced set its Name to origin
    • Add a second Repository with URL ${gitlabSourceRepoURL} and name (in Advanced) ${gitlabSourceRepoName} if you want to be able to merge from forked repositories (this requires configuring communication to the Gitlab server)
    • In Branch Specifier enter origin/${gitlabSourceBranch} or ${gitlabSourceRepoName}/${gitlabSourceBranch}
    • In the Additional Behaviours section:
      • Click the Add drop down button and the Merge before build item
      • Specify the name of the repository as origin (if origin corresponds to Gitlab) and enter the Branch to merge to as ${gitlabTargetBranch}
  • In the Build Triggers section:
    • Check the Build when a change is pushed to GitLab.
    • Use the check boxes to trigger builds on Push and/or Merge Request events
    • Optionally enable building open merge requests again after a push to the source branch.
  • In GitLab go to the project Settings
    • Click on Services
    • Click on GitLab CI
      • For token put any random string (This is not yet functioning)
      • For Project URL put http://JENKINS_URL/project/PROJECT_NAME
    • Click on Web Hooks
      • Add a Web Hook for Merge Request Events to http://JENKINS_URL/project/PROJECT_NAME (GitLab for some reason does not send a merge request event with the GitLab Service)
  • Configure any other pre build, build or post build actions as necessary
  • Save to preserve your changes

Branch filtering

Triggers from push events may be filtered based on the branch name, i.e. the build will only be allowed for selected branches. On the project configuration page, a list of all branches on the remote repository is displayed under Build when a change is pushed to GitLab.. It is possible to select multiple branches by holding Ctrl and clicking.

This functionality requires accessing the Gitlab server (see above) and for the time being also a git repository url already saved in the project configuration. In other words, when creating a new project, the configuration needs to be saved once before being able to select the allowed branches. For existing projects, all branches are allowed to push by default.

Parameterized builds

You can trigger a job a manually by clicking This build is parameterized and adding the relevant build parameters. These include:

  • gitlabSourceBranch
  • gitlabTargetBranch
  • gitlabSourceRepoURL
  • gitlabSourceRepoName
  • gitlabBranch (This is optional and can be used in shell scripts for the branch being built by the push request)

Help Needed

  • /projects/ - seems to be already used by Jenkins, A way to use this path would be awesome
  • ?token=XYZ - Can not find a way to include a token parameter on an AbstractProject to security check without an extra plugin configuration
  • /PROJECT_NAME/ should really be /PROJECT_ID_NUMBER/ - Can not find a project id number on an AbstractProject to use here instead.

Known Issues


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/[my-github-username]/gitlab-plugin/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


  • @bass_rock, base ground work, primary developer.
  • @DABSquared, company sponsoring development.
  • @xaniasd

Parts of this code inspired by https://github.com/timols/jenkins-gitlab-merge-request-builder-plugin


This plugin emulates Jenkins as a Gitlab CI Web Service

License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:Java 100.0%