kashenafi / media-ranker-revisited

Project: Add controller tests and OAuth to an existing project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

MediaRanker Revisited

At a Glance

  • Individual, stage 2 project
  • Due before class, Tuesday December 1st
  • Submit this project with a PR

Learning Goals

  • Practice using OAuth in a web application
  • Practice using Session variables to track a user across multiple HTTP requests
  • Add tests to controllers to verify controller logic
  • Practice defining rules to govern authorization in a webapp


We are providing you with an implementation of MediaRanker. Use this MediaRanker to begin this project.

Our MediaRanker web app was a wonderful website with two major flaws:

  1. the way we implemented user login is extremely insecure
  2. our controllers are untested

In this assignment you will modify Media Ranker in two ways:

  1. our web app can securely authenticate multiple users via OAuth and authorize them to view, manage and vote on works
  2. our controllers will finally have tests that test controller logic

Build your project using branches, with at least one branch per wave. As you finish a wave merge the changes into the main branch. Submit one pull request at the end once you are complete to submit the project.

Provided Tests We have provided controller tests (commented out) for the UsersController which you can use, or adapt for your use. We have similarly commented out fields in the fixtures which could be useful when you have implemented Oauth.

Implementation Requirements

Wave 1: Authentication via OAuth

Following the steps in the Textbook curriculum, add OAuth to your Media Ranker Application and enable a user to log in using GitHub.


  • Add all necessary gems and configuration
  • Repurpose the existing login functionality to now be a single log in button (on home page or nav bar)
  • The log in button shall turn in to a log out button when the user is logged in
  • All other requirements from in-class notes apply:
    • Managed via session
    • UsersController
    • User model

Optional Wave 2: Controller Tests on upvote and UsersController

  • Add tests around logging in functionality using OAuth mocks
  • Add tests around logging out functionality using OAuth mocks
  • Add tests to the WorksController upvote action using OAuth mocks
    • Be sure to test nominal and edge cases

Optional Wave 3: Basic Authorization (Page Access)

Create and test authorization logic to enforce rules that govern what pages on the site users and guests (unauthenticated users) can view.


  • Guest user: a user who is not logged in
  • Main page: the page with the spotlight and top 10 items accessed by localhost:3000 and marked as root_path


As a guest user, I want to be able to...

  • access the main page without an error message
  • access the index page should be redirected to the main page with an error message
  • access the show page for any work should be redirected to the main page with an error message

... so that I can see parts of the website, but know that I must log-in for full functionality

As a logged-in user, I want to be able to...

  • access the show page for any work of any category
  • access the show page for any index page

... so that I can use full site functionality as a site member

Testing Requirements

Ensure that you have updated all relevant WorksController tests around authentication using mocks

Optional Wave 4: Advanced Authorization (Ownership)

Create advanced authorization logic to enforce rules that govern what changes users can make to the site's data. The rules here are more complex than for accessing pages:

  • Guests cannot change any data on the site
  • All logged-in users can add new works to the site
    • Those works are owned by the user that created them
  • The user who owns a given work can:
    • Edit that work
    • Delete that work


  • Modify the edit and delete functionality to ensure that users can only change works they are associated with.
    • Consider how this could be implemented at the model layer.
  • Do some research into how to use Google or another OAuth provider for authentication and use that provider.

What Instructors Are Looking For

Check out the feedback template which lists the items instructors will be looking for as they evaluate your project.


Project: Add controller tests and OAuth to an existing project


Language:JavaScript 94.6%Language:Ruby 4.1%Language:HTML 1.0%Language:SCSS 0.3%