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Azure Data Factory Lab


A taxi commission for a major city has reached out to you for help. They are interested in understanding the predictive factors for the tips that drivers receive on different rides.

You have a ready-made machine learning model at your disposal that will allow you to submit information about new rides and predict the tip values.

However, before you can use this model to make these prediction (or "score" the data), it needs to be cleaned up and transformed.

Learning Objectives

In this lab, you will learn how to use Azure Data Factory, a no-code tool, to easily prepare your data. At the end of the lab, you will:

  • be able to ingest, transform, and output data using Azure Data Factory
  • create a pipeline that scores the prepared data
  • understand when and how to use Azure Data Factory for other usecases

In a subsequent lab, you will also learn how to prepare the machine learning model that you are using in this lab.

But first, let's take a look at the data that you will be using.

The Data

The commission has made the following data available to you.

High-Level Architecture

The solution that you build in the course of the lab will take advantage of several Azure no-code services. You'll prepare your data and use it to train a machine learning model before creating a pipeline that can score any new data that you send it.


The architecture may look complex, but the lab below will take you step-by-step through its design and development.

Getting Started

Note: In this lab, a data factory has already been created for you to use. If you are new to Azure Data Factory, you will need to create one in your own Azure subscription by following the steps documented in this article.

There are two ways of accessing the data factory.

  • From the Azure Portal, select the appropriate Data Factory. Click on the Author & Monitor button pictured below:


  • Navigate directly to https://ms-adf.azure.com/. You may need to select your data factory using the dropdown pictured below:


The Azure Data Factory landing page provides an overview of the tool's basic capabilities, as well as links to videos and in-depth tutorials. We encourage you to review some of these tutorials as you begin to use Azure Data Factory.

Click ">>" on the left-hand sidebar, and you'll see the three main categories of actions that you can take within Azure Data Factory:


  • Author
    • In this section, you will build sequential activities for your data factory to perform.
      • Pipelines
      • Datasets
      • Dataflows
  • Monitor
    • In this section, you can review your data factory's performance on the activities that you established for it in the Author section.
  • Manage
    • In this section, you can define connection to data stores, compute, and source control for your data factory code.

I. Creating Your First Data Factory Pipeline: Converting XML to CSV

The machine learning model will only accept CSV files for scoring. As a first step, you'll need to convert the XML files into CSV files.

  1. If you are still on the Linked services screen, click Author in the left-hand sidebar.

    1. Before building your first pipeline, toggle the Data flow debug setting at the top of the screen.
    2. Select "dataflowruntime1" from the Integration runtime dropdown.
  2. You can create a pipeline in one of several ways.

    1. Click the + sign to open the Add new resource menu and select Pipeline.
    2. Click the ... ellipsis next to Pipelines and select New pipeline.


  3. Either way, your first pipeline will be created, and you will automatically see the pipeline authoring canvas.

    1. At left, there will be a list of pipeline Activities where you will be selecting the pipeline steps.
    2. In the middle, the drag and drop canvas allows you to add and link these activities.
    3. On the right, the pipeline Properties allows you to name and describe this pipeline.


  4. Add a descriptive name for this pipeline - such as "nyctaxiyellow_xml_csv_pl" - and close the properties by clicking the icon above the Properties section.

  5. To add your first pipeline activity, click on the Move & transform category under Activities.

  6. Drag and drop the Copy data activity onto the canvas, as pictured below.

  7. When you drag an activity onto the canvas, a configuration panel below the canvas will automatically expand.


  8. Configure your pipeline.

    1. As before, on the General tab, give your pipeline a descriptive name, such as "Copy convert xml to csv"
    2. Leave the rest of the default setting on the General tab.
    3. Click on the Source tab.
      1. Source and sink are key concepts in Azure Data Factory. They refer to the source of your data, and the destination for your data once it has been transformed.
      2. Click New to configure your source dataset. Connections to data sources have been configured for you; you need to do is select the appropriate dataset from the source.
      3. On the panel/blade that opens, select Azure Blob Storage and click Continue.


  9. On the next panel/blade that opens, called Select format, choose XML and click Continue.


    1. Give this dataset a descriptive name, such as "Yellowcab_XML_Data"; then, in the Linked service dropdown, select the "AzureBlobStorage1" data source. (Once you select the data source, you may be asked to re-authenticate into Azure.)
    2. Specify "yellow" as the container and click OK. The data set will now appear under Factory Resources.
  10. Because you'll be working with multiple files in the same folder, you'll need to set up a wildcard file path:

    1. Expand Wildcard file path.
      1. Enter "xml" as the Wildcard folder path and "*.xml" as the Wildcard file name.
    2. Disable Recursively and Namespaces.


  11. Click on the Sink tab. Just as you configured the source data, you will need to configure where the CSV files are written to and stored.

    1. Click + New.
    2. On the panel/blade that opens, select Azure Blob Storage and click Continue.
    3. On the Select format panel/blade, select CSV/DelimitedText and click Continue.
    4. As before, give this dataset a descriptive name, such as "Yellowcab_CSV_Data." In the Linked service dropdown, select the "AzureBlobStorage1" data source you used above. (Once you select the data source, you may be asked to re-authenticate into Azure.)
      1. Select First row as header.
      2. Enter "yellow" as the Container under File path.
    5. Click OK.


  12. The Sink dataset dropdown will now read "Yellowcab_CSV_Data"

  13. Click on the sink data set you just created under Factory Resources.

  14. Click on the Parameters tab to configure the following three parameters.

    1. containername
    2. foldername
    3. foldername_initials_birthyear


  15. Once you've set up the Parameters, return to the Connection tab and click on the Add dynamic content link under the Container field.

    container naming

  16. A new blade will open called Add dynamic content. Select "containername" from the list of Parameters at the bottom of the screen and click OK.

    first parameter

  17. Repeat this process for the Directory field, pasting the following value into the Add dynamic content blade and clicking OK:

    • @concat(dataset().foldername,'/',dataset(foldername_initials_birthyear)

    second param

  18. Your file path shouls look like the below once you've added both parameters:


  19. Return to the pipeline, either by navigating through Factory Resources or by using the tabs above the canvas screen. You'll now see the following fields in your Sink settings.

    1. Set containername to "yellow"
    2. Set foldername to "csv"
    3. Set foldername_initials_birthyear to your initials and birth year, such as "AB_1970"
    4. Set File extension to ".csv"


  20. Click the Mapping tab.

    1. Click Import schemas. This will bring in the data formatting from the XML files in order to create a mapping for the CSV columns.
    2. Check the Collection reference box on the record row.
    3. As you review the columns that will be created, change each data Type to String. (Note: It may strike you as odd when some of the column will clearly be numerical values or other data types. We will be working with datatype conversions later in the lab, but if you know the data you are working with, you can certainly make these designations here.)


  21. You are now ready to Validate your first pipeline!

    1. Click the Validate button above the canvas.
    2. Ideally, the Pipeline validation output will read "Your pipeline has been validated. No errors were found." If you do see an error, please reach out to one of the lab coaches for assistance.
  22. After validating, click the Publish all button to save your changes to both the pipeline and the datasets. Click Publish on the Publish all blade that appears.


  23. Now that you've published your datasets and pipeline, you can test the pipeline in real-time. Click the Debug button above the canvas to begin pipeline run. A pipeline run status will appear below the canvas. Once you see a green check mark and the Succeeded status, you can hover over the pipeline run and click on the glasses icon for a detailed view.


  24. The Details popup will tell you about the pipeline run, including how much data was read, how much data was written, and the speed of the pipeline.


II. Import Dataset Schema

  1. For the next pipeline, you'll be working with the specific data in the CSV files that you've created. To do that effectively, you will need the data schema.

  2. Select the Yellowcab_CSV_Data dataset under Factory Resources ->\ Datasets, and click the Schema tab.


  3. Click Import schema and select From files with '*.csv'.


  4. Verify the parameter settings in the panel/blade that opens, and click OK.


  5. You should now see the columns and data types as shown below. If you recall, we designated all of the columns as strings in a prior step.


  6. You can now use this schema in the data flow you'll create in the next section.

III. Working with Data Flows

Though the names might differ slightly, your final dataflow will look something like this:


Let's walk through this process one step at a time.

  1. Create a new pipeline under Factory Resources. As a reminder, you can do this in one of two ways:

    1. Click the + sign to open the Add new resource menu and select Pipeline.
    2. Click the ... ellipsis next to Pipelines and select New pipeline.
  2. Name your new pipeline "nyctaxiyellow_dataflow_pl"

  3. As before, click on the Move & transform category under Activities.

  4. This time, drag and drop the Data flow activity onto the canvas.

  5. A panel/blade called Adding data flow will open automatically.


  6. Select Create a new data flow.

  7. Select Mapping Data Flow and click OK. To learn about the two different types of data flows, visit the overviews linked below in the Resources section.

  8. You will automatically be taken to the data flow canvas, with a prompt to enter your first data source.


  9. Give your dataflow a descriptive name like "nyctaxi_yellow_df" and close the Properties tab.

  10. Click on the Add Source box, and you'll see a quick walkthrough that explains how data flows work.


  11. The three data sources you'll be using in this data flow are:

    1. the CSV output from the prior data flow
    2. payments lookup data
    3. zone lookup data
  12. Configure your first data source to look like the screenshot below:

    1. Output stream name: YellowTrip
    2. Source type: Dataset
    3. Dataset: Yellowcab_CSV_Data


  13. Click on the Projection tab. You will see the data schema imported in the prior section. Here, you can modify the data types. Specify the following data types:


  1. You can then click the Data preview tab to preview your data.

  2. Now that you've configured the source, you're ready to work with your data. Click the small + sign at the bottom right of your datasource on the canvas. You will see a list of transformation options.


  1. Select Derived Column. Each transformation will have its own settings and configuration options.

    1. Give your Output stream name a name, such as "DerivedColumns."
    2. The Incoming stream will auto-populate with the name of the source you specified above.


  2. Under Columns, add the following columns and expressions, clicking + Add column after each one.

    Column Expression
    Vendor_abbreviation iif(vendor_id==1,'CMT',iif(vendor_id==2,'VTS','DDS'))
    Vendor_description iif(vendor_id==1,'Creative Mobile Technologies, LLC',iif(vendor_id==2,'Verifone Inc.','Digital Dispatch Systems'))
    Pickup_datetime toTimestamp(pickup_datetime,'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss','EST')
    Dropoff_datetime toTimestamp(dropoff_datetime,'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss','EST')
    Rate_code_description iif(rate_code_id==1, 'Standard Rate',iif(rate_code_id==2,'JFK',iif(rate_code_id==3,'Newark',iif(rate_code_id==4,'Nassau or Westchester',iif(rate_code_id==5,'Negotiated fare',iif(rate_code_id==6,'Group ride','Unknown'))))))
    Pickup_year year(toTimestamp(pickup_datetime,'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss','EST'))
    Pickup_month month(toTimestamp(pickup_datetime,'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss','EST'))
    Pickup_day dayOfMonth(toTimestamp(pickup_datetime,'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss','EST'))
    Pickup_hour hour(toTimestamp(pickup_datetime,'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss','EST'))
    Dropoff_year year(toTimestamp(dropoff_datetime,'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss','EST'))
    Dropoff_month month(toTimestamp(dropoff_datetime,'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss','EST'))
    Dropoff_day dayOfMonth(toTimestamp(dropoff_datetime,'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss','EST'))
    Dropoff_hour hour(toTimestamp(dropoff_datetime,'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss','EST'))

    Your final list of columns should look like this:

    derived columns

  3. If you click on Inspect, you can see the new columns that will be created. Data preview will show you a selection of the data in those columns.

  4. Click the + sign at the bottom-left of your newly-created DerivedColumns step, and select Join.

  5. You'll see another set of configuration options for the Join. Change the name to "PaymentJoin."


  6. In order to complete this join, you'll need to add another data source. The Left stream will default to the output from the prior step. To set up the Right stream, you'll need to click Add Source.

    1. A new set of Source settings will appear.
    2. Call this Output stream name "PaymentLookup."
    3. This Dataset will not yet appear in the dropdown, so you'll need to click + New and add it.
      1. On the New dataset blade, select Azure Blob Storage and click Continue.
      2. Choose CSV/DelimitedText as the file format, and click Continue.
      3. Edit the properties on the Set properties blade and click OK.
        1. Name: "Payment_Lookup_Data"
        2. Linked service: do not change
        3. File path: yellow / lookup / payment_lookup.csv


    4. Click on the Projection tab and change the "payment_type" to short.


    1. Preview the data by clicking on Data preview.


  7. With the new data source ready, click back on the Join segment of the data flow. You will now see the PaymentLookup data source in the Right stream dropdown.


  8. Select payment_type in both dropdowns - the Left: DerivedColumns's column and in Right: PaymentLookup's column. This determines the column on which the two source tables will be joined.

  9. Your next step will be another Join. For this one, let's set up the data source first. Click Add Source on the data flow canvas.


  10. As before, you'll need to configure this data source. Name it "ZoneLookup" and click the + New button next to Dataset.

    1. Select Azure Blob Storage and click OK.
    2. Select CSV/DelimitedText and click Continue.
    3. Edit the properties on the Set properties blade and click OK.
      1. Name: "Zone_Lookup_Data"
      2. Linked service: Yellowcab_Source_Files
      3. File path: yellow / lookup / yellow_zone_lookup.csv
      4. Import schema: From connection/store
      5. Check First row as header.


    1. Click the Projection tab and change the location_id data Type to short.


  11. Next, click the + below the PaymentJoin block in the canvas, and select Join again.

  12. Configure this Join using the settings below:

    1. Output stream name: PickupZoneJoin
    2. Left stream: PaymentJoin
    3. Right stream: ZoneLookup
    4. Join conditions: pickup_location_id == location_id


  13. The next step you'll add is a Select step.

  14. Change the Output stream name to "RenamePickupZoneCols" and rename the columns as you see below:


  15. Add another Join, repeating the steps above but with the following settings changed:

    1. Output stream name: DropoffZoneJoin
    2. Left stream: RenamePickupZoneCols
    3. Right stream: ZoneLookup
    4. Join conditions: dropoff_location_id == location_id
  16. Add another Select step. Rename it "RenameDropoffZoneCol"

    1. Remove the following columns from your mapping:
      1. pickup_datetime
      2. dropoff_datetime
      3. pickup_location_id
      4. dropoff_location_id
      5. pickup_longitude
      6. pickup_latitude
      7. dropoff_longitude
      8. dropoff_latitude
      9. location_id (Make sure to remove both.)
    2. Rename the last three columns to avoid a naming clash between borough, zone, and service_zone columns:


  32. You're almost done!

  1. We will need to configure a destination for the data that is transformed. Your list of Factory Resources has grown. Click the ... ellipses next to Datasets and select New dataset.


    1. Configure the new dataset.

      1. Select Azure Blob Storage and click Continue.
      2. Select CSV/DelimitedText and click Continue.
      3. On the Set properties blade:
        1. Name: Dataflow_Sink_CSV
        2. Linked service: Select the one you've been using
    2. On the Connection tab, you'll need to configure the File path using dynamic parameters similar to the ones you've configured before.

    second sink

    Your settings should ultimately look like the settings below, using the following for the Directory field:

    • @concat(dataset().foldername,'/',dataset().foldername_initials_birthyear)


  2. Return to your dataflow canvas and click the + sign one more time, and select Destination -\ Sink. A sink is the destination for your data once you've completed all of these transformation steps.

    1. On the Sink tab, configure the following settings:
      1. Output stream name: DataflowSinkCSV Dataset: Dataflow_Sink_CSV (the dataset you created above should be available in the dropdown)
    2. On the Settings tab, configure the following settings:
      1. Clear the folder: ON
      2. File name option: Output to single file
      3. You may see an error here that asks you to Set single partition. If you do, click that button before proceeding.
      4. Output to single file: nyctaxiyellow_final.csv

    final sink

  3. Finally, return to the nyctaxiyellow_dataflow_pl pipeline.

  4. Click on the Mapping Data Flow block on the canvas, and configure both sets of parameters in the Settings to reflect the containername, foldername, and initials_birthyear information. Make sure that the Run on (Azure IR) field reads "dataflowruntime2".

    parameters for validate

  5. Click Validate all above the dataflow canvas to check your work. If you receive any error messages, please check in with one of your coaches.

  6. Click Publish all, review the publication changes in the blade, and click Publish to save your work. If you receive any error messages, please check in with one of your coaches.

  7. Click Debug above the pipeline canvas. The pipeline will be deployed, and you will receive a status update as with the prior pipeline.


  8. Hover over the pipeline run and select the eyeglass icon. You will see an overview of the dataflow, including the status at every step.


Building a Machine Learning Model

The next and final pipeline will use a machine learning model that you develop using Azure's no-code drag & drop machine learning Designer.

Before setting up this pipeline, you'll need to train the model in that service.

Please follow the instructions for the Machine Learning Lab and return here when you've completed the model.

  1. Now that your model is complete, create one more pipeline. Call this pipeline "nyctaxiyellow_ml_scoring_pl" or something similar.

  2. Select the *Machine Learning Execute activity under Activities and drag it onto the canvas.

  3. On the Parameters tab, configure the settings below:

    1. Name: Output_Path
    2. Type: String
    3. Default value: /output/output_name.csv


  4. Click on the Machine Learning Execute Pipeline block on the canvas and configure your settings to resemble the settings below.

    1. Your Machine Learning pipeline name and Machine Learning pipeline ID will autopopulate from the pipeline you published in the Machine Learning lab.
    2. You will need to configure the parameter in the Output_Path like you configured the other parameters above.
  5. As with the prior pipelines, verify your configuration by clicking Validate all, publish your work, and click Debug to see your Machine Learning pipeline in action!

Additional References

  1. Introduction to Azure Data Factory

  2. Mapping data flows in Azure Data Factory

  3. Wrangling data flows in Azure Data Factory
