karuboniru / mail2telegram

Forward email to telegram

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


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Use Telegram Bot to get your temporary email..

This is a Telegram Bot based on Cloudflare Email Routing Worker, which can convert emails into Telegram messages. You can forward emails from recipients with any prefix to the Bot, and then a temporary mailbox Bot with an infinite address will be created.

Click to view the demo. image


1. Deploy Workers

1.1 Deploy via Command Line

  • Clone the repository:

    git clone git@github.com:TBXark/mail2telegram.git

  • Copy the configuration template and modify it with your own Telegram configuration:

    cp wrangler.example.toml wrangler.toml

  • Deploy

    yarn & yarn pub

1.2 Deploy via Copy and Paste

  • If you don't want to deploy using the command line and prefer to copy and paste, you can use the precompiled version > index.js
  • When deploying via copy and paste, you need to manually set environment variables in the project's configuration page.
  • To generate a whitelist/blacklist of regular expressions as a JSON array string, you can use this small tool which also includes some demos: regexs2jsArray

2. Configure Cloudflare Email Routing

  • Follow the official tutorial to configure Cloudflare Email Routing.
  • Configure routing by changing the action of Catch-all address in Email Routing - Routing Rules to Send to a Worker:mail2telegram. Forward all remaining emails to this worker.
  • If you set Catch-all address as workers, you won't be able to forward all remaining emails to your own email. If you need to backup emails, simply fill in your backup email in the FORWARD_LIST environment variable of the worker.


KEY Description
TELEGRAM_ID Your Telegram ID
TELEGRAM_TOKEN Telegram Bot Token
DOMAIN Workers domain name
FORWARD_LIST Backup emails, can be forwarded to your own email for backup, leave blank if not forwarding, multiple values can be separated by ,
WHITE_LIST Sender whitelist, an array of regular expressions converted to a string, example: [\".*@10086\\\\.cn\"]
BLOCK_LIST Sender blacklist, an array of regular expressions converted to a string
MAIL_TTL Email cache retention time in seconds, default is one day. After expiration, emails will no longer be previewable. Please make sure to back them up.
DB Bind KV Namespace Bindings database to worker with the name DB.

WHITE_LIST and BLOCK_LIST take effect on both recipients and senders at the same time, with WHITE_LIST having a higher priority than BLOCK_LIST.


When the email forwarding notification is sent to Telegram, only the title, sender, recipient, and three buttons are included.

Using Preview allows you to directly preview the plain text mode of the email in the bot. However, there is a limit of 4096 characters. If it exceeds 4096 characters, you can use TEXT or HTML to view the complete email. Below the preview message, there is a Read button that can be clicked to close the preview.

Using TEXT, you can see plain text emails. Using HTML, you can see rich-text emails which may contain certain scripts or other tracking links. It is recommended to use rich-text mode only when necessary or when confirming that the source is reliable.

For security reasons, when exceeding the mail cache retention time set by MAIL_TTL, links opened by clicking on buttons will not work. You can modify environment variables yourself to adjust expiration time.

This Bot does not support attachments. If you need attachment support, you can combine it with my another project testmail-viewer and forward emails to your testmail using FORWARD_LIST. This way, you can download your attachments using testmail-viewer.


mail2telegram is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.


Forward email to telegram

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%