karsevar / helpful-human-frontend

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Help Human Interview Challenge Documentation

1️⃣ Frontend deployed at https://helpful-human-challenge.netlify.app/ and accompanying Backend deployed at https://morning-spire-68989.herokuapp.com/

Interview Problem:


Stated briefly, the core goal is to create a simple but functional app that has a data, view and logic layer. The app will display color swatches, and that's about it!

The core goals should be completed in full.

Core Goals

  • Replicate design
    • Font
    • Styles
    • Iconography
  • Replicate functionality
    • Create a database of colors (minimum 100)
    • Paginate your data to show a certain number of swatches at a time
    • Display both the color swatch and the label of the color
    • Ability to select random color and modify view accordingly
    • Clicking swatch changes to color detail view

Stretch Goals

  • Design
    • Make it responsive
  • Functionality
    • Generate color list from a script

Bonus Stretch Goals

  • Design

    • Include interaction design
    • Add tints/shades in detail view
  • Functionality

    • Add search functionality
    • Color generation script guarantees same colors and order
    • Group by color (Make sidebar menu functional)
  • Data

    • Fetch data with GraphQL

2️⃣ Solution

Techologies Used

  • React (for dom manipulation and userflow framework)
  • React-Router-Dom (to alternate between the overall color list view with pagination controls and the individual color detail view)
  • node-sass (as the main CSS compiler for the project)
  • axios (for http pull requests to the accompanying server)

Features Completed:

  • Replicate Design
  • Replicate Functionality
    • Create a database of colors (minimum 100)
    • Paginate your data to show a certain number of swatches at a time (check https://github.com/karsevar/helpful-human-server)
    • Display both the color swatch and the label of the color
    • Ability to select random color and modify view accordingly
    • Clicking swatch changes to color detail view



  • The ColorsParentComponent is used as the containing component for the two routes in the application, / and /colorDetail/:id that mounts PaginationComponent and ColorDetailComponent respectively, and SideMenuComponent.

  • The main purpose of this component is to give structure to where SideMenuComponent is placed within the application in relation to PaginationComponent and ColorDetailComponent, since SideMenuComponent will need to remain static between the two routes. In addition, this component gives SideMenuComponent the total number of color entries in the database through the hook totalColors and PaginationComponent the total number of page buttons that need to be rendered to display all the colors through Pages.

  • Constraints include the addition of the currentPage hook declaration in the parent component of PaginationComponent, the reason for this oversight was switching from the color detail view (/colorDetail/:id) to the home view (/) the currentPage hook would be overwritten to 1 if the hook was included in PaginationComponent.


  • The only finished piece of functionality in SideMenuComponent was the random button feature which takes in the prop totalColors from ColorsParentComponent and calculates a random number between 1 and totalColors. After the random value is calculated the application redirects the user to the color detail route /colorDetail/:id using the value as the dynamic route.

  • handleRandomClick manages all of the component's functionality.


  • HeaderComponent is only used as decoration since search functionality hasn't been implemented.


  • PaginationComponent contains the SwatchesComponent and the pagination navigation menu.

  • Four props are passed into the component.

    • Pages, which is initially declared in ColorsParentComponent and used to display the total number of navigatable pages the server's database can render.
    • history, used as a prop for SwatchesComponent since each individual color swatch carries an onClick handler that redirects the user to the /colorDetail/:id route using the swatch's database id as the dynamic variable.
    • currentPage, used to highlight the current page data the SwatchesComponent is rendering wihtin <div class='pagination-container></div> and as a prop for SwatchesComponent that tells the component which page to render from the database.
    • setCurrentPage, used to modify currentPage through the handlePaginationClick that is placed on each of the page div layers.


  • SwatchesComponent takes two props, currentPage and history.
    • currentPage is used within the backend get request within a query string (example /getColorsByPagination?page=[currentPage]). This logic tells the http request which page to render into the component.
    • history is used within the handleSwatchClick function that is attached to each of the rendered color swatch cards. The overall purpose of the handleSwatchClick function is to redirect the user to a color detail view (route /colorDetail/[database id of color clicked on]) of the color swatch he/she clicked on.


  • Unlike the other components, ColorDetailComponent is very much self contained with the only exceptions of taking in a prop from the dynamic route (colorId) and the object history.

    • colorId is an integer representation that matches with the color's database id in the helpful-human-server. This variable is used within the get request url /getColorById/[color id from dynamic route]. If the get request is successful colorInfo is overwritten with the colorId's information.
  • handleBackClick function is used with the <button class='back-btn'> element to redirect the user back to the home route (/).


  • This component is largely incomplete due to most of the RGB to hexadecimal reference functions converting the lighter and darker RGB shades from the function lightenOrDarken into incorrect values. Other than the rgbToHex bug the overall logic works just fine. hexToRgb converts every passed in hexadecimal value into accurate RGB values and the lightenOrDarken function perfectly creates appropriate shades of the passed in colorInfo.hexString prop.



Language:JavaScript 68.2%Language:CSS 24.5%Language:HTML 7.3%