karpolan / cyberhaven-frontend-task-karpolan

Test task for Cyberhaven

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This challenge requires building a very simple react application end-to-end. You only have 3-5 hours to solve it, which means you have to keep it simple and concrete.

Good luck!


You need to write a webapp that makes programming in this language easier. You need to create visualization for caller-callee relations and show topological order of function calls. The webapp should allow the user to type a list of caller-callee relationships (in a form “foo calls bar”, one relationship per line), and it should provide:

  • a valid ordering of the functions for AlmostC
  • a graphical rendering of the call graph

For example, when the user types:

    foo calls bar
    foo calls baz
    bar calls baz

the webapp should show the following textual output of topologically sorted nodes:


and a directed graph like the following:

    foo ------> bar
     |           |
     +--> baz <--+

If no ordering is possible, it should output “impossible”. If the input contains a syntax error, it should output “syntax error”. If multiple orderings are possible, the webapp must provide the lexicographically smallest one - note that, if you're running out of time, you might ingore the lexicographical ordering requirement.

You can find more input-output pair samples in the tests-data folder.

Hint: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topological_sorting, in particular Khan’s algorithm. You’ll need to add a sort() call somewhere in it to make it lexicographical.


  • Implement algorithm for topological ordering
  • Implement ui with ability to input data and see graph's topological ordering
  • Implement component for visualizing graph relationships

Project requirements

  • Once you are done with the project you need to push working code for review
  • You must use react
  • core logic should be tested
  • It's nice to have react components code to be tested
  • The core logic tests must include all cases from tests-data
  • We should be able to add more core logic tests by adding more test data files into a folder
  • You may use any other libraries you’d like, as long as everything is installable locally(npm/yarn) and does not depend on any external resources (e.g., libraries from CDNs)
  • Provide short video how your application works

Notes and suggestions

  • You can create-react-app
  • You might not need redux/d3
  • You can use typescript or flow if you wish
  • use Kahn's algorithm for toposort
  • Minimal functionality for toposort should pass cycle and impossible tests, rest of them are testing ordering.

Bonus tasks (only if you have time left, not require)

  • The UI should be convenient to use
  • Make your code as simple and readable as it can be
    • In particular, do not use packages/features/patterns that are too heavy or complex for this task
  • Handle very large inputs without making the UI non-responsive or confusing for the user
  • Highlight syntax errors in the input field
  • Highlight logic errors in the input field (e.g., all calls that form a cycle)


Test task for Cyberhaven


Language:JavaScript 88.4%Language:CSS 6.2%Language:HTML 5.4%