karpikpl / multipleIssuesFromConfluenceTable

Create multiple issues from Confluence table - solution for https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/CONFCLOUD-52805

Repository from Github https://github.comkarpikpl/multipleIssuesFromConfluenceTableRepository from Github https://github.comkarpikpl/multipleIssuesFromConfluenceTable

Create multiple issues from Confluence table build


This script aims to fix issue with confluence https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/CONFCLOUD-52805 that Atlassian doesn't plan to fix.

Confluence has "Create multiple issues from the table" feature, but it doesn't work when table has 4 rows or more, which makes it useless for most people.

Using this script you can create multiple issues from confluence page with "Requirements" table.


Standard with yarn

Build / Test

Standard with yarn test


  1. Create your own settings.json based on default.json
  2. Format your confluence page - table needs to be after h2. header with text specified in settings.tableSection
  3. Run
yarn start yourSettings.json

Although script is configurable to some extent (see default.json) most of it is still hardcoded for my JIRA instance. It might change in the future if I get a feature request :)

For now - change Jira payloads in lib\jira.js and run


1. Confluence page with table

Confluence page with table

2. Issue created in Jira


3. Confluence Updated



Create multiple issues from Confluence table - solution for https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/CONFCLOUD-52805


Language:JavaScript 100.0%