karoldabro / time-machine

Change datetime in Laravel apps relatively to current values

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Time machine

This package allows to move in time database data. It automatically selects all fields that store datetime and move them by given period or to particular date, relatively from it current value. See example to check more details.


This package might be useful in a pre-prod environment to test log lasting processes. For example generating customer invoice. Usually invoices are generated in a 30 days period. You might move
customer and all it's data into previous invoice cycle (30 days in to past) and effectively simulate whole invoice cycle like that customer was created 30 days ago.


First install main package:

composer require kdabrow/time-machine

Then install database driver package:

Database Driver
mysql composer require kdabrow/time-machine-mysql
postgres composer require kdabrow/time-machine-postgres

Advice is to install those packages as --dev dependencies.


Time traveller setup

First create TimeTraveller. Only Eloquent model can be TimeTraveller. Basic configuration look like this:


use Kdabrow\TimeMachine\TimeTraveller;
use App\Models\User;

// provide model instance
$traveller = new TimeTraveller(new User());

// or class name
$traveller = new TimeTraveller(User::class);

Modify query

TimeMachine by default selects all rows related to given to TimeTraveller model. You're able to provide your conditions to restrict query


use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use App\Models\User;
use App\Models\Group;
use Kdabrow\TimeMachine\TimeTraveller;
use Kdabrow\TimeMachine\Result;
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;

// Result contains all previously changed models from all TimeTravellers
// For example move Users only from previously changed Group
$traveller = new TimeTraveller(
    function(Builder $builder, Result $result) {
        if ($result->isSuccessful(Group::class)) {
            return $query->whereIn(

Additional columns

It's possible to add additional columns into query.


use App\Models\User;
use Kdabrow\TimeMachine\TimeTraveller;
use Kdabrow\TimeMachine\Database\Column;
use Kdabrow\TimeMachine\Result;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

$traveller = new TimeTraveller(User::class);

// It's possible to provide callback and determine how given field should be changed
// Column object has information about currently modified column
// Model is selected instance of User
// Result contains previously moved in time data 
// In this example only move if no errors appeared during previous time travels 
    function($currentValue, Column $column, Model $model, Result $result) {
        if (count($result->getAllFailed())) {
            return $currentValue;
        return null;

Exclude fields

Sometimes is need to omit some fields that would usually be selected to change.


use App\Models\User;
use Kdabrow\TimeMachine\TimeTraveller;

$traveller = new TimeTraveller(User::class);

Set up keys

Records selected to time travel are based on primary key from the model. You're able to overwrite it.


use App\Models\User;
use Kdabrow\TimeMachine\TimeTraveller;

$traveller = new TimeTraveller(User::class);

Time machine and direction of move

After TimeTravellers are created, create TimeMachine.


use Kdabrow\TimeMachine\TimeMachine;

$timeMachine = new TimeMachine();

// now add previously created TimeTravellers

Move to the past

First create DateChooser. It is information about period or date.


use Kdabrow\TimeMachine\DateChooser;
use Kdabrow\TimeMachine\Result;
use DateInterval;

// move by DateInterval
$chooser = new DateChooser(new DateInterval("P1D")); // Move by 1 day

// or move by some specific amount of seconds
$chooser = new DateChooser(3600); // Move by 1 hour

// Now set up direction and start travel
/** @var Result $result */
$result = $timeMachine

Move to the future

First create DateChooser. It is information about period or date.


use Kdabrow\TimeMachine\DateChooser;
use Kdabrow\TimeMachine\Result;
use DateInterval;

// move by DateInterval
$chooser = new DateChooser(new DateInterval("P1D")); // Move by 1 day

// or move by some specific amount of seconds
$chooser = new DateChooser(3600); // Move by 1 hour

// Now set up direction and start travel
/** @var Result $result */
$result = $timeMachine

Move to particular date

First create DateChooser. It is information about period or date.


use Kdabrow\TimeMachine\DateChooser;
use Kdabrow\TimeMachine\Result;
use DateTime;

// put DateTimeInterface object
$chooser = new DateChooser(new DateTime("2020-15-16 12:12:12")); // Move datetime columns to 2020-15-16 12:12:12

// or provide datetime string 
$chooser = new DateChooser("2020-15-16 12:12:12"); // Move to 2020-15-16 12:12:12

// Now set up direction and start travel
/** @var Result $result */
$result = $timeMachine


Move customer, it's payments and orders 10 days in the past

Database structure before and after change:
customers (before)

id email date_of_birth activated_at created_at updated_at
100 tesla@test.com 1856-07-10 2000-06-15 12:12:12 1999-06-15 12:12:12 1999-06-15 12:12:12

customers (after)

id email date_of_birth activated_at created_at updated_at
100 tesla@test.com 1856-07-10 2000-06-05 12:12:12 1999-06-05 12:12:12 1999-06-05 12:12:12

payments (before)

id customer_id amount paid_at created_at updated_at
200 100 120 2020-03-24 13:10:45 2020-03-24 10:10:45 2020-03-24 13:10:45

payments (after)

id customer_id amount paid_at created_at updated_at
200 100 120 2020-03-14 13:10:45 2020-03-14 10:10:45 2020-03-14 13:10:45


id payment_id name sent_at created_at updated_at
300 200 Engine 2020-03-25 2020-03-24 13:11:22 2020-03-25 15:32:17


id payment_id name sent_at created_at updated_at
300 200 Engine 2020-03-15 2020-03-14 13:11:22 2020-03-15 15:32:17



use Kdabrow\TimeMachine\TimeTraveller;
use Kdabrow\TimeMachine\Result;
use Kdabrow\TimeMachine\TimeMachine;
use App\Models\Customer;
use App\Models\Payment;
use App\Models\Order;
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;

$customerId = 100;

$customerTraveller = new TimeTraveller(
    function(Builder $builder, Result $result) use ($customerId) {
        return $builder->where('id', '=', $customerId);

$paymentTraveller = new TimeTraveller(
    function(Builder $builder, Result $result) use ($customerId) {
        if ($result->isSuccessful(Customer::class)) {
                return $builder->whereIn(
                    'customer_id', $result->getSuccessful(Customer::class)->pluck('id')

$orderTraveller = new TimeTraveller(
    function(Builder $builder, Result $result) use ($customerId) {
        if ($result->isSuccessful(Payment::class)) {
            return $builder->whereIn(
                'payment_id', $result->getSuccessful(Payment::class)->pluck('id')

$timeMachine = new TimeMachine();

$result = $timeMachine
    ->toPast(new DateInterval("P10D"))

// Get instances that failed time travel
$failed = $result->getAllFailed();

$sucessful = $result->getAllSuccessful();


Run tests from docker container

docker-compose exec php vendor/bin/phpunit

or directly from your machine



Change datetime in Laravel apps relatively to current values

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%