karldw / conleySE

Do not use this code! It's only posted here as an archive. Instead, use something like https://github.com/pysal/pysal

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  • for panel, acknowledge that points may move (or be missing for some time periods)
    • just cache the neighbor pairs
  • also provide the option to input projected data.
  • once I have something working reasonably well in cython, contribute to statsmodels in python
  • once I have something working reasonably well in cython, make an R package
  • what if there are duplicate points?
  • check if the haversine formula, when it's inaccurate, gives an answer large enough that it doesn't matter (and therefore it's unnecessary to use the full atan2 formula)
    • if so, how much faster is it?
  • Figure out how to parse missing data?
  • Consider making the residuals all at once: e = I-(X(X'X) ^(-1)X'y
  • It's probably overkill to use the heavy-duty haversine function; I think there's no difference for points within the same quadrant of the globe. (Test this.)
  • Consider using (pysparse's skyline format)[http://pysparse.sourceforge.net/formats.html#sparse-skyline-format] to work with symmetric sparse matrices
  • Consider just importing the ball tree from scikit-learn, then scaling the unit sphere (with haversine distance) to the earth. (or, actually, downsizing the search radius to fit a unit sphere). The downside there is I couldn't support Vincenty distance.



  • hypothesis

Relevant websites


  • if I don't import geopy directly, test against that
  • use scikit-learn's license (BSD3)
  • copy code from scikit-learn and get it to build
    • bring in the check_array function without the rest of the validate script
  • Add a check that people are providing lat/long in decimal, not degrees, minutes, seconds
  • Take a statsmodels expression and parse out the model, rather than using my own OLS implementation.
  • Add a check that people provide a reasonable distance (non-negative and not covering the entire earth)


Do not use this code! It's only posted here as an archive. Instead, use something like https://github.com/pysal/pysal



Language:Python 93.0%Language:Jupyter Notebook 7.0%