karl-vanderslice / terraform-multicloud-iac-demo

Build and provision identical infrastructure across multiple cloud providers with Packer, Ansible, Terraform, and Docker.

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Hello World App

A simple multi-cloud Hello World using Terraform, Packer, Ansible, and Docker.



  • Terraform 0.12.24
  • Packer 1.5.4
  • Ansible 2.9.6
  • Docker 19.03.8

Docker must be usable by the user running the Packer command and uses the environment variable DOCKER_HOST (default unix:///var/run/docker.sock).

Cloud Providers

This project leverages free or inexpensive tier resources on the following providers:

Note that AWS and Azure assume the current working Region is set via AWS_REGION for AWS, and the provisioned Resource Group for Azure.

Running the script

  • Examine the Packer scripts and set environment variables, pass in variables.json to Packer, or change the user variables to suit your needs.
  • Set any required vars under ansible/site.yml to match your working environment, or pass in variables via --extra_vars option to ansible-playbook.
  • Set the hello_world_image_name variable in variables.tf to match the created image name output by Packer.

Setting tfvars

This project assumes you are setting variables via an untracked .tfvars file or preferably via exporting in your shell:

export TF_VAR_build_id="$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)-$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)"
export TF_VAR_cost_center="${COST_CENTER}"
export TF_VAR_data_classification="${DATA_CLASSIFICATION}"
export TF_VAR_environment_name="${ENVIRONMENT_NAME}"
export TF_VAR_name="${ORGNAME}-${SERVICE}-${ENVIRONMENT_NAME}-hello-world-$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)-$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)"
export TF_VAR_orgname="${ORGNAME}"
export TF_VAR_owner="${OWNER}"
export TF_VAR_public_key="${SSH_PUBLIC_KEY}"
export TF_VAR_service="${SERVICE}"
export TF_VAR_vpc_id=<VPC ID>
export TF_VAR_resource_group_name=<your azure resource group name>
export TF_VAR_gcp_credentials=<path to your gcp service account json file>
export TF_VAR_gcp_project_id=<name of your GCP project>
export TF_VAR_gcp_region=<gcp region to provision infrastructure in>
export TF_VAR_gcp_zone=<gcp zone to provision infrastructure in>
export TF_VAR_do_region=<your digital ocean region>
export TF_VAR_route53_domain_name=<your domain name in route 53>

Executing Terraform

From the terraform/ directory:


$ terraform init


$ terraform plan

Apply and create resources:

$ terraform apply


$ terraform destroy



Name Version
terraform = 0.12.24
aws = 2.54.0
azurerm = 2.3.0
digitalocean = 1.15.1
google = 3.14.0
null = 2.1.2
template =2.1.2


Name Version
aws = 2.54.0
azurerm = 2.3.0
digitalocean = 1.15.1
google = 3.14.0
template =2.1.2


Name Description Type Default Required
application Name of the application to add to tags and resources. string "hello-world" no
aws_instance_fqdn The Fully Qualified Domain Name to assign the AWS EC2 instance. string "hello-world-aws" no
aws_instance_host_name The host name to assign the AWS EC2 instance. string "hello-world-aws" no
aws_instance_type Size of the AWS instance to provision for EC2. See https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/instance-types/. string "t2.micro" no
azure_instance_type Size of the Azure instance to provision for Azure Compute. See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cloud-services/cloud-services-sizes-specs. string "Standard_F2" no
build_id Build ID to add to tags. Example: $GIT_HASH-$GIT_BRANCH. any n/a yes
cost_center Cost center to add to tags. Example: 00000 or informationTechnology. any n/a yes
data_classification Type of data to add to tags. Example: private, public, sensitive. string "public" no
do_instance_type Size of the Digital Ocean droplet to provision. See https://developers.digitalocean.com/documentation/changelog/api-v2/new-size-slugs-for-droplet-plan-changes/. string "s-1vcpu-1gb" no
do_region Digital Ocean region to provision resources in. Example: nyc1. See https://www.digitalocean.com/docs/platform/availability-matrix/ for more information. any n/a yes
environment_name Environment name to add to tags. Example: dev, test, uat, stage, sut, prod. any n/a yes
gcp_credentials Location of the Service Account credentials JSON file for Google Cloud. See https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/getting-started for more information. any n/a yes
gcp_instance_type Size of the Google Compute instance to provision. See https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/machine-types string "f1-micro" no
gcp_project_id Name of the GCP Project to work under. Example: devopsdemo-0000000. Must already exist and the Service Account credentials must have permission to provision resources in this project. any n/a yes
gcp_region Region to provision resources in Google Cloud. Example: us-east1. See https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/regions-zones/ for more information. any n/a yes
gcp_zone Zone to provision resources in Google Cloud. Example: us-east1-b. any n/a yes
hello_world_image_name Name of the machine image (Snapshot on Digital Ocean) to provision. Must exist and already be created via Packer. string "hello-world-f247c50-develop" no
name Project name to add to tags and resources. Example: myorg-devops-hello-world-f1e3b30-develop. Recommended to use $ORGNAME-$SERVICE-$APPLICATION-$BUILD_ID in your shell. any n/a yes
orgname Organization name to add to tags. Example: myorg. any n/a yes
owner Contact information for the owner of this resource. Should be an email address. any n/a yes
public_key Public Key to add to provisioned instances. Example: cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub. any n/a yes
resource_group_name Name of the Azure resource group to provision resources in. Must already exist and be writeable by the credentials Terraform is running under. Example: devopsDemo. any n/a yes
route53_domain_name Name of the root domain to use for DNS rescords. Must already exist and be writeable by the credentials Terraform is running under. Example: devops.mydomain.io. any n/a yes
service Service name to add to tags. Example: devops. any n/a yes
special_message Message to insert as userdata on each provisioned virtual machine instance. string "Use Infrastructure as Code to provision and manage any cloud, infrastructure, or service." no
tagging_version Version of the tag model to apply to tags for reference. string "0.1.0" no
vpc_id ID of the VPC to use for provisioning compute resources. Can be identified by using awscli command aws ec2 describe-vpcs. any n/a yes


Name Description
aws_address Web address for the AWS instance
azure_address Web address for the Azure instance
do_address Web address for the Digital Ocean instance
gcp_address Web address for the GCP instance


Build and provision identical infrastructure across multiple cloud providers with Packer, Ansible, Terraform, and Docker.


Language:HCL 65.2%Language:Smarty 11.6%Language:CSS 9.5%Language:HTML 8.9%Language:Python 3.1%Language:Dockerfile 1.7%