karl-denby / nixos-setup

Nixos setup

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Sets up a gnome-based desktop with

  • neovim with my vim config + nvim-treesitter
  • intellij tied to 2022.2 to prevent annoying autoupgrades
  • wayland + nvidia drivers
  • rootless docker
  • falcon sensor
  • encrypted root with zfs
  • no annoying extra gnome programs like gnome-weather

Before starting:

  • https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Nvidia If you want to set up the nvidia nonfree drivers - read this, and edit the nvidia-offload.nix file
  • You probably want to look through all the settings and change things, particularly the hostname, timezone, etc.


  1. Boot nixos live installer and open a root terminal

  2. export EDITOR=vim (replaces nano, useful for editing commands later on)

  3. Open https://openzfs.github.io/openzfs-docs/Getting%20Started/NixOS/Root%20on%20ZFS/1-preparation.html in browser

  4. Copy paste all the instructions after setting the appropriate disk paths UNTIL setting the root password

    Do not pass the 'mirror' options when creating the pools

    If this fails due to pool errors (eg, if you tried this before), do zpool import -f <pool> then zpool destroy <pool>

  5. Put a '}' at the end of /mnt/etc/nixos/zfs.nix (normally put there by the instructions, but we skipped the last few steps)

  6. Copy files from this repo into /mnt/etc/nixos

     rsync -av /path/to/repo/*.nix /mnt/etc/nixos/
  7. Run nixos install command as specified in the zfs installation instructions

    this might take ~20 minutes

  8. Change password

     cd /mnt
     passwd michael
  9. Exit chroot and run

     umount -Rl /mnt
     zpool export -a
  10. Set swap device as actual swap

    1. mkswap <swap-partition>
    2. Add swap device to hardware-configuration.nix swapDevices = [ { device = "/<swap-partition>"; } ];

Post installation/reboot


  • Load in gpg keys
  • Load in ssh-keys
  • ssh-add keys to gpg agent


Install gvm from https://github.com/moovweb/gvm

nix-shell -p go
gvm install go1.18.3

tree sitter

Open vim and run


Enabling falcon

  1. Move falcon deb to /opt/CrowdStrike (get from https://forgerock.slack.com/archives/CAVDE5K5M/p1660576127565849)

  2. Edit configuration.nix to include falcon.nix

  3. Set cid properly in falcon.nix


Save falcon cid in nix store with https://github.com/Mic92/sops-nix or something like that

Add vscode + extension - nix-env-selector

Re-run tsupdate all the time in vim


Nixos setup

License:MIT License


Language:Nix 100.0%