Welcome to the Revolve2-Multi Tutorial, it goes along with Dimitri Kachler's thesis, "Predator-Prey Dynamics in an Open-Ended Environment". This readme will guide you along the steps to be able to recreate the experiments found in the paper.
The main files to look at are:
1. First you want to create a virtual environment with Python version 3.8 as the primary Python distribution.
Then you want to create a virtual environment to serve as a capsule for all the libraries:
Then, activate the virtual environment:
2. Then you want to clone this repository to a directory, we will refer to the directory as "/yourdir/"
pip install /yourdir/revolve2-multi/core
pip install /yourdir/revolve2-multi/standard_resources/
pip install /yourdir/revolve2-multi/genotypes/cppnwin
pip install /yourdir/revolve2-multi/runners/mujoco
cd /yourdir/revolve2-multi/examples/sanity3P/
5. The experiment runs by activating optimize.py. You should receive preliminary warnings, at which point the experiment is running:
python3 optimize.py