karimamd / my-portofolio

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hello there,

Let me introduce myself !

I am Kareem Abdelsalam

My Photo

Technical experience

An Analytics Engineer at The Fabulous

A Former Data Analytics Engineer at

Rubikal Logo

Working remotely for about 2 years with our partners in the US:

Concentrical Logo

Insidetrack Logo

After I grab my morning coffee , I start my work with the goal of building something like this :

Tableau Story

So I checkout a branch and start writing SQL using

dbt Logo

that usually looks like :

    materialized: table

WITH fact_table AS (
  SELECT * FROM {{ref('fact_table_name')}} WHERE [condition]

dimention_table_1 AS (
    {{ dbt_utils.star(
        , relation_alias='d1'
      {{ref('dimention_table_1_name')}} AS d1

dimention_table_2 AS (
  SELECT * FROM {{ref('dimention_table_2_name')}} WHERE [condition]

final AS (
    COALESCE(d2.col123, 'default_value') AS col123,
    ROW_NUMBER() OVER( PARTITION BY id ORDER BY event_at DESC) AS deduplicate
    fact_table AS f
    dimention_table_1 AS d1
    f.foreign_1 = d1.primary
    dimention_table_2 AS d2
    f.foreign_2 = d2.primary
    [insert mart conditions]
   deduplicate = 1

Now onto cool_data_mart_name.yml to write some tests and documentation !

version: 2

  - name: cool_data_mart_name
      - name: id
        description: unique identifier of record
          - unique
          - not_null
          - dbt_utils.relationships_where:
              to: source('mixpanel', 'events')
              field: event_id

      - name: is_condition
        description: boolean column shows some condition is true or false
          - accepted_values:
              values: [TRUE, FALSE]
              quote: false

      - name: first_name
        description: string column showing name of the action taker
          - trimmed_spaces

      - dbt_utils.expression_is_true:
          expression: "price >= 0"
          condition: "price IS NOT NULL"

but it is not always this easy, is it ?

AS you can see above we needed a custom schema test/ macro to check for string columns coming from backend without leading or trailing spaces (so that we could easily group by them)


{% macro test_trimmed_spaces(model, column_name) %}

WITH untrimmed AS (
        DISTINCT COALESCE({{ column_name }}, '') as untrimmed_name

    FROM {{ model }}

trimmed AS (

        DISTINCT TRIM( COALESCE({{ column_name }}, '') ) as trimmed_name

    FROM {{ model }}
    untrimmed.untrimmed_name = trimmed.trimmed_name
    trimmed_name IS NULL
{% endmacro %}

This is just a sample of fully covering the columns with documentation, explanation and tests that communicate and check for assumptions about the data.

Other custom data and schema tests are written to guarantee data integrity for our customers and to alert us if any error happens.

After passing code review and merging into our code base the table/view is materialized in

Snowflake Logo

and the tests run daily to check for assumptions about the data.

It is also my responsibility to monitor our ETL manager/ Orchestrator which is something very similar to

Airflow Logo

and fix any problems that may come and investigate any broken assumptions.

Speaking of Data Warehouses we previously used

Redshift Logo

so I am experienced with that as well :)

No I am not done yet !

The rest of my role is building charts and dashboards for our clients in

Tableau Logo


Metabase Logo

I know what you're thinking, where can you find more interactive samples of my dashboards and charts ?

Just click here!

I also have experience ingesting data from multiple sources using: Metabase Logo


Marketing Analytics
  • I worked as part of The Fabulous team to build Marketing Analytics Dashboards
  • Helped User Acquisition and Marketing to Evaluate the effectiveness and ROI of spending on different ads platforms
  • Participated in process change to overcome IOS 14 privacy features blocking traditional marketing attribution reporting
  • Consolidated process for assigning conversion values and attributiing sales
  • Consolidated Marketing Reporting dashboards and made sure they are usable
  • Tools used: dbt, BigQuery, Google Data Studio, Adjust, Amplitude, Metabase
Data Layer Building - Loyalty Phone campaigns
  • I worked with On Line Media to build their Data Layer from scratch
  • Researched different cloud warehousing solutions available and chose based on budget and client needs
  • Implemented a robust and cheap data pipeline that is based on many open source tools to ingest data from multiple sources (csv, xls, text, pdf, SQL Server)
  • Performed data transformations, cleaning and built the Data Warehouse dimensional model
  • Allowed managers to have their questions answered with data and made a loyalty system to reward customers of multiple partners
  • Tools used: Meltano, Metabase, Postgresql, Snowflake, Heroku, Python, dbt
Product Analytics
  • Participated in defining events to track using tools like Mixpanel new products by the company and for new features in current products
  • Cleaned event data coming from tracking tools (deduplication, renaming, inferring missing values)
  • Modeled incoming data dimensionally and build custom data marts for each reporting need
  • Joined discussions about how to measure goals using available data and communicated data limitations to Product team and management
  • Built dashboards using reporting tools
  • Tools used: dbt (data build tool)/ Jinja SQL, Tableau, Metabase, Snowflake, Amazon Redshift, Mixpanel, Fivetran
Internal Productivity Insights
  • In less than a week our data team successfully implemented a robust pipeline to sync and report on the productivity of the whole organization
  • My role was architecting the data model of the Marts built from the loaded Jira, Github and CircleCI tables to achieve reporting needs
  • Wrote high coverage test cases to ensure data integrity
  • Participated in defining KPIs and metrics to track to help management make best use of the tracked data
  • Created the dashboards and charts in Tableau and Metabase
  • Tools used: Fivetran, Stitch, Tableau, Metabase, Amazon Redshift, SQL, Python task scheduler
Future News and Events Prediction
  • Participated in building an intelligent large-scale Data Analytics platform that uncovers the full potential of global events and news. Powered by State-of-the-art Machine Learning models, It enables users to visualize, analyze and forecast nation-wide event data and become fully prepared for future opportunities, challenges and crises.
  • My role was developing the Machine Learning models on 600M rows of news data
  • Cleaned, modeled and Feature Engineered the dataset and enriched data with more features from other related dataset
  • Trained and tuned ML models and defined reliable performance metrics to judge model performance
  • Tested some out of the box AWS Forecasting tools
  • Cooperated with web developers in integrating the API and querying the data to show in the platform
  • Tools used: AWS Stack (Athena, Glue, SageMaker, Forecast, S3), Python, SQL

Teaching experience

  • I gave Machine Learning Basics courses and seminars for first and second year students in Alexandria university
  • Data Careers overview sessions explaining the roles and daily work of Data Analysts, Analytics Engineers and Data Engineers Like this one and all the series is on the same page
  • From time to time I make video tutorials in my youtube channel

Publishing and Research

  • During my last year in Computer Engineering Bachelor's degree I participated in the Computer Vision research lab (Pose Estimation problem) and also published a paper on Arabic NLP
