karim-aboelazm / database_normalization

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Normalization is the process of organizing data in a database efficiently. It involves structuring a database in a way that reduces redundancy and dependency of data. The primary goals of normalization are to minimize redundancy, avoid anomalies during data modification, and ensure data integrity.

Here are examples of different normalization forms:

First Normal Form (1NF):

In 1NF, each column in a table contains atomic (indivisible) values, and each column has a unique name.

Example: Consider a table StudentCourses:

StudentID Name Courses
1 John Math, Physics
2 Sarah Chemistry, Biology
3 Alex Math, Chemistry, Gym

To convert this to 1NF, separate the repeating groups into individual rows:

StudentID Name Course
1 John Math
1 John Physics
2 Sarah Chemistry
2 Sarah Biology
3 Alex Math
3 Alex Chemistry
3 Alex Gym

Second Normal Form (2NF):

In 2NF, the table is in 1NF, and all non-key attributes are fully dependent on the primary key.

Example: Consider a table Sales:

OrderID Product Category Price
1 Laptop Electronics 1000
2 TV Electronics 800
3 Banana Fruits 10

In this case, Category is partially dependent on the primary key. To achieve 2NF, create separate tables:


ProductID Product CategoryID
1 Laptop 1
2 TV 1
3 Banana 2


CategoryID Category
1 Electronics
2 Fruits

Third Normal Form (3NF):

In 3NF, the table is in 2NF, and there is no transitive dependency (non-key attributes depending on other non-key attributes).

Example: Consider a table Employees:

EmployeeID EmployeeName Department DepartmentLocation
1 John IT Building A
2 Sarah HR Building B
3 Alex IT Building A

Here, DepartmentLocation depends on Department, not directly on the primary key EmployeeID. To achieve 3NF:


EmployeeID EmployeeName DepartmentID
1 John 1
2 Sarah 2
3 Alex 1


DepartmentID Department Location
1 IT Building A
2 HR Building B

This breaks the transitive dependency, isolating DepartmentLocation into the Departments table.
