karel-brinda / fmsi

FMSI is an exact f-masked-sueprstrings-based index for membership queries and set operations on k-mer sets.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

FMSI ($f$-Masked Superstring Index)

FMSI provides an experimental implementation of FMS-index - a BWT based indexing tool for $f$-masked superstrings, which enables to ask membership queries and perform set operations on the $k$-mer sets represented by the masked superstrings.

The implementation is based on the SDSL library.

It is provided under the MIT license (see LICENSE file).

How to cite

Coming soon!

How to install

First clone the repo and its dependencies:

git clone --recursive git@github.com:OndrejSladky/fmsi.git

Compile the program by running make.

How to run

To run the tool, run ./fmsi [command]

The recognized commands are:

  • index Creates a BWT based index of the given masked superstring.
  • query Queries a $k$-mer against an index.
  • merge Merge several indexes.
  • compact Compacts an index.
  • export Export the underlying masked superstring.
  • clean Cleans the files stored for index.
  • -v Prints the version of the program.


Index (./fmsi index) recognizes the following arguments:

  • -p path_to_fasta - The path to the fasta file with masked superstring to be indexed. This is a required argument.
  • -k value_of_k - The size of one k-mer. If not provided k is computed from the masked superstring under the assumption that the last run of zeros has length k-1.

For example: ./fmsi index -p spneumoniae.fa -k 13


Query (./fmsi query) returns whether the provided $k$-mer is in the masked superstring or not. Note that ./fmsi index must be run on the provided fasta file beforehand.

It recognizes the following arguments:

  • -p path_to_fasta - The path to the fasta file from which the index was created. Required.
  • -q path_to_queries - The path to the file with $k$-mer to be queried (each on a separate line). Required.
  • -k value_of_k - The size of one k-mer. Required.
  • -f function - A function to determine whether a $k$-mer is represented based on the number of set and unset occurrences. The recognized functions are following:
    • or - Consider $k$-mer represented when any of its occurrences is set. This is the default function.
    • all - Assume that all occurrences are either set or unset and determine the presence by arbitrary occurrence.
    • and - Consider $k$-mer represented when all its occurrences are set.
    • xor - Consider $k$-mer represented when an odd number of occurrences is set.
    • X-Y (where X and Y can be any integers) - Consider $k$-mer represented when its number of set occurrences is between X and Y (inclusive).

For example: ./fmsi query -p spneumoniae.fa -f xor ACGT


Merge (./fmsi merge) creates a single index from several indexes representing the concatenation of the corresponding masked superstrings. Note that ./fmsi index must be run on the provided fasta files beforehand.

It recognizes the following arguments:

  • -p path_to_fasta - The path to the fasta file from which the index was created. Can be provided multiple times. Required at least twice.
  • -r path_to_result - The path to the file where the result will be stored. Required.
  • -k value_of_k - The size of one k-mer.

For example: ./fmsi merge -p spneumoniae1.fa -p spneumoniae2.fa -r spneumoniae.fa -k 13


Compact (./fmsi compacts) compacts the index by removing the redundant information by computing a new or-masked superstring. Especially note that the resulting superstring is or-masked superstring and not f-masked superstring.

It recognizes the following arguments:

  • -p path_to_fasta - The path to the fasta file from which the index was created. This is a required argument.
  • -k value_of_k - The size of one k-mer. Required.
  • -f function - A function to determine whether a $k$-mer is represented based on the number of set and unset occurrences. The recognized functions are following:
    • or - Consider $k$-mer represented when any of its occurrences is set. This is the default function.
    • all - Assume that all occurrences are either set or unset and determine the presence by arbitrary occurrence.
    • and - Consider $k$-mer represented when all its occurrences are set.
    • xor - Consider $k$-mer represented when an odd number of occurrences is set.
    • X-Y (where X and Y can be any integers) - Consider $k$-mer represented when its number of set occurrences is between X and Y (inclusive).
  • -s - Only print the masked superstring and do not modify the index.
  • -l - Use the local algorithm acting directly on the index.
  • -d value_of_d_max - The maximum extension length. Relevant only for the local algorithm. Default is 5.

For example: ./fmsi compact -p spneumoniae.fa -k 13 -f xor -s


Export (./fmsi export) recognizes the following arguments:

  • -p path_to_fasta - The path to the fasta from which the index was created. This is a required argument.


Clean (./fmsi clean) recognizes the following arguments:

  • -p path_to_fasta - The path to the fasta from which the index was created. This is a required argument.

How to run unittests

To run the associated tests, simply run make test.


FMSI is an exact f-masked-sueprstrings-based index for membership queries and set operations on k-mer sets.

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 58.0%Language:C 37.5%Language:Makefile 2.8%Language:Shell 1.7%