karanindia / public_private_vpc_aws

CFT for VPC with public and private subnets for AWS

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VPC with public and private subnets

aws cloud formation template Adapted from AWS Partner: SAP on AWS Skillbuilder


This design pattern is used to create a network environment that has the ability to communicate with both internal (privately routed) and external (publicly routed) resources using a combination of both public and private connections. This design is ideal for SAP workloads that need to accomodate a combination of both public and private routing needs, such as all-in internet-facing, multi-tier web applications supported by databases or other privately routed backend systems.

  • Public Subnet

    An SAProuter, along with a NAT gateway or NAT instance, are placed in this subnet. Only the specified public IPs from SAP are allowed to be connected to the SAProuter.
  • Private Subnet

    SAP systems reside within the same private subnet. Each of these instances reside within their own security group.

Create stack from aws-cli

    aws cloudformation create-stack \
        --stack-name PublicPrivateVPC \ 
        --template-body file://public_private_vpc.yml \
        --parameters file://parameters.json

Delete stack from aws-cli

    aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name PublicPrivateVPC 


  1. VPC
    EnableDnsSupport: true
    EnableDnsHostnames: true
  2. Public Subnet
    MapPublicIpOnLaunch: true
  3. Internet Gateway
    • Attached to the VPC via IG attachment
  4. Public Route Table
    • Associated with the public subnet
    • Default public route to the Internet Gateway
  5. Private Subnets
    • located in AZ1 and AZ2
    MapPublicIpOnLaunch: false
  6. NAT Gateway
    • Associated Elastic IP
  7. Private Route Table
    • Associated with the private subnet
    • Default private route to the NAT Gateway
  8. No Ingress Security Group
    • Security Group with No Ingress Rule


CFT for VPC with public and private subnets for AWS