karaaie / albacore

Albacore is a professional quality suite of Rake tasks for building .NET or Mono based systems.

Home Page:www.albacorebuild.net

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Albacore v2.0

Version     Build Status Gittip      Code Climate

Albacore is a suite of tools for the professional .Net or mono developer that make their life easier.

gem install albacore

Main Features

  • Runs .Net and mono builds on OS X, Windows and Linux quick and painless
  • Manage xbuild/msbuild transparently
  • NuGet restore without intrusive .nuget target files in your project files, authentication supported
  • NuGet pack task types for packaging your code, supports packaging symbols/source and custom nuspecs, getting metadata from context
  • Declarative Rake syntax makes it easy to read Rakefiles
  • Most tasks, including the NuGet tasks accept an array of csproj- or fsproj- files and act on all those projects, discovering metadata from their XML.
  • An improved set APIs for calling operating system processes and managing them from the build script (see DSL below)
  • Quick and easy to turn on debugging, just set the DEBUG env var
  • Assembly version generation in C#, F#, C++ and VB
  • A copy-local test-runner for those of you with Parallels/Fusion needing to shadow-copy assemblies from a 'network drive'
  • An innovative .appspec file lets you construct IIS Site-packages with Chocolatey on Windows, Topshelf services with Chocolatey on Windows and RPM and DEB services on Linux with three lines of code - become the DevOps GOD of your company!
  • Transparent publish of artifacts to TeamCity with the TC extension
  • Unit tested, high quality Ruby code
  • Actively developed by Henrik Feldt, Software Architect at Intelliplan - there's someone looking after the code. We're active and taking pull requests - an open source project is not a single-person game, but it's nice to have some stability.

The wiki is the main reference for the above task types, but there's also very extensive documentation in the code, as well as hundreds of unit tests written in a easy-to-read rspec syntax.

Getting Started

Follow along for a quick intro, but if on Windows, see the section 'Installing Ruby' first. Albacore works on both Ruby 1.9.3 and 2.x.

First create Gemfile with these contents:

source 'https://rubygems.org'
gem 'albacore', '2.0.0'

When setting up your build you need to ensure it is reproducible. Bundler allows you to lock down the few gems that Albacore depend on to their specific versions, ensuring that your peers can re-run the same build script you just built and that it works well on your continous integration server.

Now you can bundle the dependencies, effectively freezing all gem dependencies that your build depends on.

bundle install
git add Gemfile
git add Gemfile.lock
git commit -m 'Installed Albacore'

Now you are ready to continue reading below for your first Rakefile.

Installing Ruby on Windows

Install Chocolatey by, in a command prompt, running:

@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('http://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))" && SET PATH=%PATH%;%systemdrive%\chocolatey\bin

Then start a new powershell, cygwin or mingw32 shell. You can now install the Ruby framework:

cinst ruby.devkit

Now, restart your shell or reload its path variable. You now have rake installed. Now you can install Albacore, the collection of tasktypes, tasks and extension points aimed to make your life as a .Net developer easier:

gem install bundler

Continue below with your first Rakefile.

Creating Your First Rakefile

In order to build your project, you need to create a Rakefile, with contents like these:

require 'bundler/setup'

require 'albacore'
require 'albacore/tasks/versionizer'
require 'albacore/ext/teamcity'

Albacore::Tasks::Versionizer.new :versioning

desc 'Perform fast build (warn: doesn\'t d/l deps)'
build :quick_build do |b|
  b.logging = 'detailed'
  b.sln     = 'src/MyProj.sln'

desc 'restore all nugets as per the packages.config files'
nugets_restore :restore do |p|
  p.out = 'src/packages'
  p.exe = 'tools/NuGet.exe'

desc 'Perform full build'
build :build => [:versioning, :restore] do |b|
  b.sln = 'src/MyProj.sln'
  # alt: b.file = 'src/MyProj.sln'

directory 'build/pkg'

desc 'package nugets - finds all projects and package them'
nugets_pack :create_nugets => ['build/pkg', :versioning, :build] do |p|
  p.files   = FileList['src/**/*.{csproj,fsproj,nuspec}'].
  p.out     = 'build/pkg'
  p.exe     = 'buildsupport/NuGet.exe'
  p.with_metadata do |m|
    m.description = 'A cool nuget'
    m.authors = 'Henrik'
    m.version = ENV['NUGET_VERSION']
  p.with_package do |p|
    p.add_file 'file/relative/to/proj', 'lib/net40'

task :default => :create_nugets

You can now run:

bundle exec rake


  1. Create a feature branch with your change: a. With unit test b. With feature
  2. Send a PR with that feature branch to this branch a. Make sure TravisCI is OK with it b. Describe your PR in English.

Writing Code

  1. Add a rspec spec in specs/
  2. Run bundle exec rspec spec to verify test fails
  3. Implement feature you want
  4. Run the tests again, have them pass
  5. Make a PR from your feature branch against master

Document your code with YARD as you're writing it: it's much easier to write the documentation together with the code than afterwards.


Albacore is a professional quality suite of Rake tasks for building .NET or Mono based systems.



Language:Ruby 89.3%Language:C# 4.8%Language:PowerShell 2.8%Language:F# 2.3%Language:CSS 0.8%Language:ASP 0.1%