kaofelix / opencenter-dashboard

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[opencenter-dashboard]: <short description of problem>

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OpenCenter Dashboard

The OpenCenter Dashboard is the winniest awesomesauce there ever did was -- now with more hipsterstack!


First, you'll need to install a relatively recent version of Node.js and npm. The easiest way to accomplish this is by installing nvm, a Node version manager similar to rvm.

curl https://raw.github.com/creationix/nvm/master/install.sh | sh

If nvm complains about not being able to add itself to your shell's config/profile file, you'll have to do so manually and then source it/open a new shell, as appropriate.

Then, we'll instruct nvm to install the latest stable version of node, which at this writing is 0.10.5. We'll also make sure that it's the default version.

nvm install 0.10.5
nvm alias default 0.10.5

Before proceeding, ensure that which node and which npm both show /your/home/.nvm/version/bin/binary or similar, and not /usr/bin or some other random path in which you may have another node/npm installed.

The project has a Gruntfile.coffee and uses Grunt to run different tasks. In order to use it, you need to install it by doing:

npm install -g grunt grunt-cli

After that, make sure you have all needed dependencies installed by running

npm install

at the root of the project directory.


Be sure and copy the included config.json.sample file to a file named config.json, then tweak as desired. The most important value is currently the URL of an OpenCenter endpoint.

Using Grunt

After completing the installation, you should be able to run grunt tasks. Running


will build the website on the ./public directory at the root of the project.

grunt server

You can watch the server log in parallel for easy debugging.

tail -f logs/dashboard.log

Will build the necessary coffee and jade files and run the development server while also watching for changes.

grunt test

Will use the Karma test runner to run Jasmine specs for the project.

grunt clean

Will remove the ./public folder so you can start fresh if you want.


If you have a hankering to get some securities up in your business, there's an included make-cert.sh script, which will automate the process of creating a self-signed cert to your liking, which the server will automatically make use of if present.


The Gruntfile also includes a publish task which will do the needful in a way that's fakeroot and package friendly, with all the appropriate resources in ./public, ready for injection into your favorite neanderthal server of yore, such as the Apaches or the (e)Ngin(e)-of-X.

Use caution with rapid deployments, as exposed body parts may experience sudden bursts of awesomeness.





Language:JavaScript 56.3%Language:CoffeeScript 43.5%Language:Shell 0.2%